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Weaving A New Life

by Walker Taylor

I grew up in a very evangelical family steeped in a devout Christian ministry. My mom and dad met at a Christian University, and Mom was a choir director for 60 years. Growing up, it was like belonging to a tribe, and that tribe insulated me from the mess surrounding sex and relationships in America.

Seeking Authentic Connection

I tried to be the perfect Christian gentleman. I was like a hybrid between the '80s sensitive guy and the good brother raised to know that we are all brothers and sisters and that women were to be treated with respect like the Virgin Mary. But finding a connection—a real deep visceral connection—was difficult. I felt a lack, and I felt compartmentalized, like there were things I could and couldn’t do and ways I could and couldn’t be. I kept wondering, “Where do you find the real people?”

I was at a point where I was trying new things and letting myself find some joy outside the box. I was dabbling in self-development. I was curious to know things, to understand women, and to have a deeper connection. So, when a great guy friend of mine came over one day and sat down on the couch and said to me, “You're never gonna believe what I found!” I was really excited.

Liberation and Transformation Through OM

 When I started OM—Orgasmic Meditation, I felt like a fish out of water, lost on a different planet. I didn’t know the language or the culture; at first, I felt more insecure than ever. But OM was one of the most profound experiences physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually I’d ever had. It was certainly one of the most visceral. When I OMed, I felt electricity going through me, chills, different waves of warmth, and new sensations throughout my body. It was profound.

However, with my having such a spiritual background, the most amazing and important thing was that it opened up a doorway to a new kind of connectedness and intimacy. I stopped feeling the emptiness of living in all those right and wrong compartments. I stopped feeling the confusion and uncertainty of having to be a certain way and say and do the right things. Orgasmic Meditation wasn’t like a magic wand. It's not a cure-all. But it is a path—a practice. And I knew, “This is what I need to grow, understand, connect, and have real authentic relationships—all the things that are so complicated in our society.”

Discovering OM - Orgasmic Meditation was like Plato's cave allegory. I was one of those people who didn’t realize I was in a cave, watching life like a pantomime show, not seeing any of the real stuff—just shadows flashed on a wall. And then somebody said, “Hey, what are you all doing in a cave? Come out here and see the real sun and the real mountains and the real ocean.” That's how different life after OM felt to me; that's how dramatic it was.

Empowerment and Joy

Since the beginning of time, there have been so many wounds and misunderstandings between the masculine and the feminine, between men and women. This sort of practice could start healing by leaps and bounds, regardless of people's religions and philosophies. We could heal and evolve into who we were meant to be.

Orgasmic Meditation (OM) blows up so many unknowns. It blew up so many of my fear tapes, empowering me to be more confident and comfortable. It has been profoundly joyful to get to have clear communication with women for the first time in my life and to be released from all the cultural baggage. The language of asking each other to OM has spread into so many areas of my life, affecting my internal dialogue, communication, posture, and position as a man. Life is no longer a hopeless uphill battle. I’m walking like a new person, knowing that I will be the best me I can be.

Embracing a New Perspective

I showed up at my first Orgasmic Meditation like a ball of a million tangled threads. I was trying to weave together a life without a weaver’s loom, without any framework. And now I have the framework—I’m experiencing the framework and know I can now weave the tapestry of my life.

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