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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Orgasmic Meditation: Exploring Intimacy With My OM Partner

By Published: December, 2023

Gentle blend of pink and green hues representing a couple’s reflection and calm.

None of my relationships ever seemed to work out. After a string of “monogamous” relationships that would never actually end up being monogamous, I got married. After 17 years of marriage, I got more adventurous and curious about things like tantra. So, my husband and I drifted apart and got divorced. 

Discovering Orgasmic Meditation

After my divorce, I learned about Orgasmic Meditation (OM) online and asked a friend if he’d want to try it with me. He agreed, so we attempted to have an OM, though it was far from how OMs should go. We had candles and music and giggled all the way through. Eager to gain a deeper understanding of the practice, I connected with some people who OMed and were trained by a certified instructor. They taught me that candles, music, and flirtation were strictly not a part of the OM—Orgasmic Meditation container.

During my first real OM, without any frills and just the simple steps, I felt tingling magnetic electricity spreading through my clitoris. That was fun! I thought afterward. As I OMed more, I noticed more and more sensations in my body. I wasn’t in the past, I wasn’t in the future, I was just in the sensation of right now. I let it move through me. I developed the ability to notice more and more things, from where someone’s finger was on my clit to what part of their finger they were using to stroke: the tip or the pad. 

Partnered Meditation: The Power of OM

OMing taught me that my clitoris was not just the little button everyone thought it was. It’s a whole organ that has different parts with varying sensitivities. Becoming aware of these sensitivities during OMs made me familiar with what my body wanted and made me better at sensing other people. When my partner’s thoughts weren’t on me, I could sense it in my body.

One of my Orgasmic Meditation partners challenged me one day to avoid giving adjustments for my next 15 OMs. I thought I would die! But during one OM, I had a breakthrough. First, I realized I could make my partner’s finger move with my thoughts! Then, I realized it didn’t matter—whatever they did could feel great regardless if I was focusing on what felt great instead of what I didn’t like. I learned to surrender to the tenor flavor and emotion of each sensation and ride the wave. 

Abstract green and pink tones capturing emotional unity and calm connection.

Open Relationship Benefits

I’m in an open relationship, and it's so good. I’ve taken everything Orgasmic Meditation has taught me about my body into our relationship. After repeatedly giving adjustments during OMs, I can be direct and ask my partner, “Can you move a little bit to the right?” or “Can I have more pressure there? Can you try this?” But I can also enjoy the experience no matter what he’s doing. 

I’m also much better at my job because of Orgasmic Meditation. As a clairvoyant, I rely on my intuition and empathic sensitivity to read people. Orgasmic Meditation increased both of these things. I used to know things about people intuitively but could not explain where that knowledge was coming from. Now, I can not only vividly see my clients’ stories but also feel them. I was even able to use my fine-tuned intuitive abilities to get to the bottom of the health issues I was having. I could see exactly where in my brain my migraines were coming from, which allowed me to get the right treatment for them.

Sensory Focus in Daily Life

Every area of my life is better because I’ve learned to focus my attention on enjoyable sensations. For example, if somebody gets on the bus and smells, I can get my mind off it. I’ll decide only to smell the good smells around me, and the bad ones disappear! I can even figure out where to sit on the bus based on the feeling I get from them. Some people will make me feel safe, and others will make me feel the opposite. I’ve been living in a different world since I started OMing. Of course, though, it’s the same world. The difference is that I can feel everything and choose what I feel. 

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