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Tapping the Energy

by Spurgeon

I've always been highly sensitive to sensory stimuli and love investigating scientific phenomena. I used to take toys apart to fix them if they were broken or just to study how they worked. I remember being ten years old and feeling energy streaming through my body, creating visual patterns, wrapping me in its waves. I would watch how that breath shifted the sensations in my body. 

Connection To Energy

When I recognized that I could move energy around in my body, I began to experiment with it. In stressful situations, I worked with my breath and found ways to calm myself. I learned how to use my mind to speed up my heart rate. Almost like a party trick, I would have someone put their hand over my heart, and I'd say, “Watch this.” They'd be amazed to feel my heart start to beat faster. 

I studied martial arts as a teenager to learn to control the energy throughout my body. As an adult, I wanted to know how all these skills I was learning could be put to use in the world in connection with other people. I studied anything to do with energy and all sorts of meditation. Then I found OM. 

Orgasmic Meditation & Energy

Orgasmic Meditation offered rich, tactile experiences of being with that energy in connection. I especially like the grounding step of the OM, where the stroker places their hands on their partner’s thighs, adding firm and still pressure. It’s the first point of physical and energetic connection. I can immediately feel my partner. We synch into the experience together. In Orgasmic Meditation, I can feel the energy that I have always felt, yet it moves in a co-creative, shared experience between me and my partner. 

Something about being with another person in this energy I had previously only experienced alone has helped me develop my intuition and feel my emotions more. I have learned to be more solid in myself in places where I used to get lost in another person’s energy. I can stay solid in myself while I am with other people. I feel more relaxed, which has benefited my life and my work.

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