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OM is Like Listening

by Rebecca

I was raised in a really open and beautiful family. In high school, I started reading books on comparative religions and studying the common thread among them all. I have always been interested in different cultures and their religions, as well as different cultural norms.

As an artist, I traveled extensively, eventually moving to Sydney, Australia. There, I explored different practices, meditations, and more conscious relating. That's when I came to the practice of Orgasmic Meditation.

Listening to Desires

I found it really exciting. To me, it’s about connection. Orgasmic Meditation is a beautiful way to connect with people on quite an intimate level. Frankly, I was just overjoyed with the practice. I loved that it was done in a certain way and had structure. It was great learning to say yes and no to expressing my needs and desires without explaining myself.

During my first Orgasmic Meditation, I remember feeling very relaxed. I kept having the sensation of a lot of buzzing between my shoulder blades. I started feeling expansion in various parts of my body and felt quite connected to the stroker, who was kind of nervous, trying to remember all the steps.

Opening Up Through OM

I was already starting to open up before I came to OM - Orgasmic Meditation, and the practice continued to open me further. I would feel a lot of energy running through my body—a lot of tingling sensations—and I would sometimes have involuntary movements, especially in my belly area. I think the strangest energetic thing that happened to me was feeling that I was part of another person's body. I was in an OM, and my left foot and the stroker’s right foot were connected in the nest. Afterwards, we talked about it, and he said, “That was so strange. It felt like I had an extra foot. And it was your foot.” Another time, I felt the stroker’s finger as part of my own body, like a new body part. 

After about six months, I also tried being the stroker because I was curious about what the other side was like. I remember my first few times were so uncomfortable. And then I got used to how to sit. Eventually, I relaxed and found it quite meditative. Eventually, I started feeling like some parts of my body expanded during an Orgasmic Meditation session, and I began to feel some heat and tingling in my stroking finger.

Listening As A Practice

It’s hard to say what I love most about OMing. I love the grounding part of Orgasmic Meditation and find it very calming. Just lying down, straightening the pillow under my head, asking for pillows under my leg, and getting grounded is like opening the door. I think some of my favorite OMs are when I make a few adjustments but then let go and allow everything to become very intuitive between my partner and me. It's really very magical to have the stroker make some offers, and I suggest adjustments. Then, we move into the intuitive dance, where we might not speak so much. At that point, the Orgasmic Meditation practice is more like listening.

It's really lovely to have a regular practice that is so very calming and open. There's no goal with Orgasmic Meditation. You can feel anything you want to feel and ask for what you need. You can cry during Orgasmic Meditation because sometimes you’re releasing deep feelings and emotions that are coming up. Or you end up laughing in sheer delight because it's such a beautiful practice for deep feeling. 

Listening Without Goals

It's a beautiful freedom that helps me be more open to everything I'm feeling—an extraordinary meditation that keeps building acceptance, teaching me to experience my feelings in value-neutral terms so that I completely accept myself and others.

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