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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Orgasmic Meditation: The Key to Reviving My Relationships

By Published: December, 2023

Abstract painting with soft beige and blue tones representing emotional connection in meditation for relationships.

When I found Orgasmic Meditation seven years ago, I was coming out of a bad divorce. I’d been with my husband for 12 years, and we had blended every imaginable aspect of our lives. We had two children together and were partners in a business. 

Post-Divorce Struggles

I was shattered by the end of the marriage. One of the biggest issues we had was that my ex had this huge desire for physical intimacy, and I had seemingly no interest at all. It had become this overwhelming issue, and though it wasn’t the only thing that ended our relationship, it played a huge part in our divorce. I came out of that marriage thinking I was broken, wondering how I could date again or connect with men in the future.

I had no self-confidence at all and wasn't feeling turned on at all. I wasn’t sure I had any desire left and no idea about where or how to find it again if I did. My ex and I were still living together as we tried to figure out how to make our divorce work, and we both decided to start dating. So, he was dating, and I was dating, and I felt completely overwhelmed. I’d been out of the game for 12 years, having babies and running a business. Getting back into dating seemed impossible.

My First Orgasmic Meditation

I joined a women’s group to try to work through some of these issues, and one day, a woman came and shared her experience with Orgasmic Meditation. Most others looked at her like she had two heads, but I was fascinated. I stayed afterwards to talk to her. I decided that it might take the guesswork out of dating. I had no clue when people were supposed to sleep together on dates. So, in my head, OM sounded like a safe place to experience my sexuality while I waited to figure out how I was supposed to handle being single. 

Many people say that their first OM - Orgasmic Meditation was amazing. Mine wasn’t. I remember not feeling very much at all. I was disappointed and, for a moment, thought that this had been a waste of time. It wouldn’t work for me. And then it hit me that maybe I was thinking about it incorrectly. Maybe I could think of it as a kind of partnered meditation. I’d dabbled in a few sitting meditation classes a year or so earlier. When I thought of it that way, it took the pressure off. I felt very relaxed after that.

Pastel art with subtle brushstrokes emphasizing meditation and connection in relationships.

Sensory Reconnection In OM

OM gave me access to newfound energy. It just kept bubbling up and over; I was 40, but I felt like I was going through my teenage years all over again. All that desire that I had shoved down for so long, desire that I didn’t think was there – it all came up to the surface. I gave myself permission to explore, try things out, and connect with different people. OM - Orgasmic Meditation gave me the power to ask for a lot because I wanted a lot. That was all brand new for me.

As I continued to OM, I felt more connected to my body and could feel more sensations. I remember one particular moment after an OM when I was sitting in my car listening to loud music, and it felt like my body wanted to expand beyond the car. I just felt so big and shiny, overflowing even. I hadn't felt that in a very, very long time—if ever.

Rebuilding Relationships with Men

My Orgasmic Meditation practice gave me a container to rebuild my relationships with men. A place where I could sink in and open up with my partners. Men weren’t something to be afraid of or avoid. They were just trying to figure out everything, too. I realized that what they wanted more than anything else was to make us happy. Suddenly, I had so much more compassion for the men in my life. 

It’s funny — I love making containers now. I make them for a lot of things – work, friendships, dates. It’s so helpful. I like pushing my own edges, figuring out my limits, and where I still need or want to shed more light. Containers allow me to ask for what I want and set the rules and structure to enjoy it fully. People always have a choice; they can say yes or no to the container I’m offering. I'm clear on my expectations in a relationship, so I find there's a lot more ease in finding a connection.

Modern abstract painting promoting peace and emotional awareness through meditation for relationships.

Seeing Energy in Others

I see energy in so many people now. I love it when I see little bits of it expressed in others; it can be something as subtle as a wink or how someone walks down the street. I especially love to see it in surprising people. I've seen it in the people you’d least expect, like in the glowing face of an elderly woman waiting for the bus. I can just see something lit up in there. It gives me hope. It shows me that we all have the potential to be so much happier. All of us.

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