Unleash the creative. Free the feminine. Heal the world.
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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.
This resource serves as a valuable reference for those interested in Orgasmic Meditation and the Eros Sutras, offering insights into the language and concepts that underpin these practices. By engaging with these definitions, individuals can deepen their understanding of Eros and its transformative potential in their lives and relationships.

The Eros Glossary

Navigate the uncharted territory of Eros with this comprehensive guide to its essential terms and concepts.

About these terms

Entering the world of Eros can be like stepping into an uncharted territory because the words to describe it are not known. These definitions are intended to help create a map of consciousness, as understood through Eros.



The realm of the light and spiritual experience

The realm of spiritual experience. Above alludes to elevated states of consciousness, spiritual domains, or facets of our existence associated with transcendence and the spiritual path. It entails the ascent toward a heightened awareness that encompasses, though is not limited to, the material world.



The realm of darkness, earth, and the body

The more earthly and corporeal dimensions of our existence. Below encompasses our desires, sexuality, emotions, and the tangible experiences binding us to the material world. It involves descending into the body and wholeheartedly embracing the full spectrum of human experience, including the potent and natural force of the Erotic.



The biologically based force emitted from women that pulls others in

The powerful force emitted, either consciously or unconsciously, by a woman, drawing others toward her; it is her Erotic signal or frequency, biologically based, that can activate and move others.


Fill What Is Empty and Empty What Is Full

The dynamic flow and exchange of energy, ideas, and resources within ourselves and between us and the world around us. This concept encourages us to open ourselves to the flow of life, to give and receive with generosity and openness, understanding that stagnation leads to decay while circulation fosters renewal and vitality. When we have extra, rather than hold on to it, be it food, clothing, ideas, love, nourishment, we find ways to offer it to others. And when we are lacking in any of these, we open to receive.

Climax consciousness

Living focused on a goal

A mindset focused on reaching a peak or end goal, often at the expense of the journey or experience.


Actions to make up for a perceived lack

Behaviors or actions we engage in as a way to make up for or compensate for a perceived lack or deficiency. Compensatory behaviors can arise when we are not fully connected to the true nature of our desires. These compensations can manifest in different ways and serve as substitutes or distractions from addressing our deeper needs and desires.


Learned responses and beliefs

The learned responses and beliefs that tend to direct our behavior and keep us from being liberated and acting based on what is true.


Culturally established ideas that become the norm

Socially or culturally established ideas or conventions that shape our understanding and behavior within certain roles or concepts, such as marriage or family.


Attempting to influence, direct, or determine the course of our life or others

The attempt to influence, direct, or determine the course of our own lives or the actions of others. It’s about the desire for predictability and security, often stemming from a place of fear or a lack of trust in the natural flow of life. While exercising control can be necessary and healthy in certain aspects, such as self-discipline or managing responsibilities, an overemphasis on control can lead to rigidity, resistance to change, and a disconnection from the spontaneous and organic unfolding of life.

Counter pole

The opposing force

The opposing or complementary force that balances another, particularly in the dynamic between masculine and feminine energies.



Our inner voice guiding us toward our purpose

An inner voice or guiding force that can help us discover our true purpose or calling in life. The realm of the daimonic is linked to life force and creativity, and often speaks through intuition and dreams. It is a carrier of your soul’s true blueprint and destiny. It will defy the self that is an assemblage of normative cultural behaviors, and bring you the energy needed to break through old conditioning.


The deep, intrinsic force guiding us in life

The deep, intrinsic pull toward experiences, connections, and expressions that resonate with our core being. It’s an essential force that guides us toward what feels meaningful and fulfilling, acting as a compass for our path in life. Desire is not just about the pursuit of pleasure or the avoidance of pain; it’s about aligning with our deepest truths and the longing for a connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us.


The process of converting experiences into energy

The alchemical process of converting experiences, feelings, and sensations we have had and that we are storing inside of ourselves into fuel, energy, and wisdom. In order to digest this material, we must descend into our body and remain with experiences, listening and then acting so that we empty out the undigested material we have been holding on to.


An obligation we use to pull us away from desire

An obligation or responsibility we feel compelled to do, to fulfill some idea of who we think we are, who we think we need to be, or who we have said we will be. Duty can pull us away from desire and off of our path.



A spaciousness holding infinite potential

A spaciousness within that holds infinite potential. A fertile void from which all creation springs; a place within us that is free from the clutter of thoughts, emotions, and external influences, allowing for a deeper connection with the essence of who we are. In emptiness, we recognize and accept the impermanent nature of all things, let go of our attachments and aversions, and see beyond the illusions of the ego to discover freedom. Emptiness, therefore, is a gateway to fullness, where we are empty of self but full of life.


Essential energy force unifying masculine and feminine

An essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.

Erotic body

The physical level of switched-on Eros

Referring to the physical body as the vessel for experiencing and expressing Erotic energy. The Erotic body, when functioning properly, works to convert Erotic impulse and desire into life force.

Erotic impulse

The raw, unimpeded life force within us

Referring to the raw, unimpeded life force within us that drives our creative expression, spiritual experiences, and desires. It is a potent force and an incorruptible, value-neutral guide that connects us to the world and brings us into an embodied state of being.

Erotic Intelligence

Recognizing and harnessing the power of Erotic energy not just in a sexual context but as a fundamental life force that drives connection, creativity, and transformation. Erotic intelligence includes the ability to navigate the complexities of human emotions, desires, and interactions with empathy, compassion, and authenticity. It emphasizes the importance of being present, vulnerable, and open to the flow of life, allowing for genuine connections and creative expressions. It also involves the cultivation of personal power and the ability to influence and inspire others positively, fostering a sense of shared growth and mutual empowerment.

Erotic mind

Erotic power

Masculine execution guided by feminine power

The combination of masculine execution and engagement, guided by feminine power, resulting in a potent force that is rooted in the body and in the experience of Eros.

Erotic responsibility

Consciously engaging with self and others while contributing to the well-being and growth of all

Involving the intentional engagement with one’s own deep desires and the power of Eros, while also ensuring that this engagement contributes positively to the mutual well-being and growth of all involved in intimate connections. It requires us to be fully present, to surrender to the transformative potential of our Erotic nature, and to act with integrity and care in all our expressions, including sexual, emotional, and other expressions. Erotic responsibility involves owning past, present, and future choices.

Erotic self

Who we uniquely are at our core

The unique and essential truth of who we are at our core, beyond societal conditioning and external expectations. The Erotic self is intimately connected to our Erotic energy and impulse, representing the totality of our being and our unique calling in the world.


State of human flourishing

A Greek word combining the prefix eu (meaning good or well) and daimon (meaning spirit) describes the state of human flourishing that arises when we act in accord with our nature and live in our funktionslust or on the spot of our soul. It is a virtuous cycle where we receive more power, and in receiving more power we are able to connect more deeply into our purpose.


Felt sense

An intuitive and bodily awareness

Our inner awareness or intuition of our body’s sensations, emotions, and overall state of being. It’s an attunement to the subtle, often nonverbal cues within us that convey information about our needs, boundaries, and authentic responses to our environment. Engaging with the felt sense involves listening and opening to what arises within our bodily experience, allowing us to connect more fully with ourselves and navigate life with greater sensitivity and awareness.

Feminine mind

Body, sense-based, and nature-based

Associated with the body. It operates from a place of interdependency and rootedness in nature. The feminine mind values connection, soft power, and is described as being steeped in the present moment. It is sensitive and attuned to subtlety and the senses, and seeks to inhabit the world fully through these senses.

Feminine power

An attractive, receptive force

The form of power, deeply connected to the body, that emanates from the feminine, and is characterized by the ability to attract, receive, and transform.


The structure through which essence expresses

The specific shape, structure, or manifestation through which something exists or expresses itself. It’s the tangible or conceptual framework that gives substance, identity, and distinction to ideas, objects, and beings in the physical and metaphysical realms. It allows us to engage with the world around us, providing a means through which the intangible or abstract can be communicated, experienced, and explored. However, it’s also important to recognize that form is just one aspect of existence, inviting us to look beyond the surface to connect with the essence or spirit that animates and gives deeper meaning to form.



Fully acknowledging and appreciating what is present in our life

Going beyond the mere possession of material objects or external achievements and instead involves acknowledging and appreciating what is present in our lives—be it relationships, experiences, emotions, or insights, fostering a sense of gratitude and abundance that is not contingent on external circumstances. When we truly have, we shift our focus from a constant seeking and acquiring to a more profound appreciation of the present moment and the richness it holds.

Homeostatic self

The part of ourself that reacts through habit

The aspect of ourselves that has been conditioned to react and respond to reality through habitual patterns that are more focused on coping with life rather than penetrating and living in the Mystery.


Replenishing the body, mind, and spirit

Replenishing the body, mind, and spirit. Hydration relates to being fully nourished.



To incorporate soul into physical reality

To incorporate soul into physical reality, drawing heaven down to earth. We allow our nature to take over, heal itself, and grow freely. It involves remembering the wisdom of our soul and reshaping the world through the expression of that wisdom, infusing the material world with spirit.


The reality that everything is connected

The link that exists among all things where every individual, every object, and every moment is part of a vast and intricate web of being, where each aspect influences and is influenced by the others. Our actions, thoughts, and feelings are not isolated occurrences but are affecting and being affected by the collective whole. When we understand that we are interconnected, we live with a sense of responsibility, knowing that our individual wellbeing is inseparably linked to the wellbeing of others and the planet itself, and we thereby have a deeper engagement with life.


The activity of interconnection

The intricate connection and mutual influencing that occurs between us and other people, where the success of one person, system, or environment is dependent on the success of another. Interdependence acknowledges that while we each have our individual paths, desires, and autonomy, our actions, well-being, and growth are deeply intertwined with and significantly impact those around us and the world at large. Interdependence is about cultivating relationships and communities where we can support and be supported, where the flow of give-and-take is not a transaction but a natural expression of our interconnectedness.

Interior world

The realm of consciousness that is rooted in our inner experience

The realm of consciousness that is rooted in the subjective, interior experience of the self. Accessing the interior world is the way we understand ourselves in relationship to the exterior world, and then gain an understanding that they are not ultimately separate. By reflecting on our interior world, we have access to the felt sense of our spiritual development and psychic adulthood, and can take responsibility for our reality.


Masculine mind

Rational, duty-based, and control-based

Associated with consciousness, control, and a focus on spirit to the exclusion of other aspects of life. It is characterized by a single-minded focus, restraint against spontaneous communications from the body, and a tendency to dominate and control natural systems rather than learn from and foster them. It presents as duty-based, rational, or control-based.

Masculine power

Based in action, production, and external achievements

The form of power typically associated with action, production, and external achievements, often exercised through control and dominance.


Wild and obedient to the unalterable truth

The ancient Greek word for meek, praus (πραεῖς), was used to refer to a horse trained for battle. Wild stallions were captured for riding, pulling, and general labor. For these horses, it was essential that their wild nature be broken. A set of them, despite the best training, always retained a part of that wild nature. These horses were trained, disciplined, and obedient, but never broken. They were unconditional. The stallion that is the “meeked” one, retaining his wild nature, is the most obedient to the unalterable truth. Meeked is reserved for the strongest among us. For when the strongest are obedient to unalterable truth, they can endure the weight of compassion and open-heartedness.

Mutual influence

The reciprocal impact that individuals have on each other

The continuous and reciprocal impact that individuals have on each other’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is the dynamic interplay where each person shapes and is shaped by the other, often in subtle and unconscious ways.

Mutual reciprocity

A relationship with equal giving and receiving

A relationship dynamic where both parties are equally giving and receiving, contributing to the relationship’s depth and growth.

Mystical state

State of being associated with transcendence and unity

A state of consciousness that is marked by a sense of connection or intimacy with all things stemming from the original Erotic impulse. The mystical state is a state of being that is beyond the rational mind and is often associated with experiences of transcendence, unity, and oneness with the universe.



An individual in the expression of their perfection

The inherent quality of a person who is not influenced or defined by temporary thoughts, feelings, or sensory experiences. It is the expression of one’s perfection that is waiting to be recognized and embraced as their true identity. Nobility is not something that can be achieved or acquired; rather, it is a fundamental aspect of our being that we must acknowledge and embody.



The state of being where we are able to respond to life with a sense of choice and freedom

A state of being that allows for openness, flexibility, and the ability to respond to life’s experiences with a sense of choice and freedom. It is about having a wide range of possibilities available and being able to navigate them with a sense of curiosity and exploration.


A state of being fully engaged in life

An expansive state; a gateway to deeper connection with oneself, others, and all of life. It’s about the surrender to and the flow of Erotic energy that can lead to profound states of consciousness. Orgasm is a holistic experience, encompassing emotional, spiritual, and bodily sensations. In Eros, when we speak of orgasm we are not referring to the moment of sexual climax. When we live in orgasm, the boundaries between the self and the other can dissolve, leading to a sense of unity and profound intimacy.

Orgasmic Meditation (OM)

A partnered attention-training practice

A structured attention-training practice conducted between two people who are following a predefined set of detailed instructions. The practice involves one person, the stroker, gently stroking the clitoris of the other person, the strokee, for fifteen minutes while both place their attention on the point of contact and notice what they feel.


Stroking beyond the peak

Continuing to stroke a particular spot, even after the initial charge or freshness has diminished. Overstroking can happen in OM, in conversation, and in any other aspect of life.



The fundamental orientation that all is perfect with room to evolve

Embracing the fullness of our experience with acceptance and presence. Perfection is not about achieving a state of flawlessness. It’s found in the recognition that every imperfection, vulnerability, and moment of raw authenticity is where true beauty and connection lie. Perfection is the art of seeing the inherent value and richness in what might be considered imperfect, understanding that it is these very things that make us deeply human and profoundly alive.

Phase transition

Moving from one state of consciousness to another

The smooth and seamless experience of transitioning from one state of consciousness to another, rather than a sudden or violent change. This transition is seen as a natural and integral part of the flow of Eros, and is characterized by a sense of liberation and release.


Full immersion in reality where we expand what we are capable of

The full immersion in the reality before us where the purpose is not to win instead of lose, but to play to keep playing. It’s through play that we can transcend the ordinary, discover new aspects of ourselves and others, and experience the delight of being in the moment. Play is not just an activity but a way of engaging with life that brings depth, joy, and richness to our existence, a reminder that at the heart of our being, beyond all roles and responsibilities, lies a profound capacity for joy, creativity, and connection. Play is a fundamental expression of our human need for exploration and connection, a way to experience the flow of life with lightness and a sense of wonder that invites openness, curiosity, and spontaneity, allowing us to engage with the world and others in ways that are liberating and nourishing.


The manifesting aspect of reality that fuels, activates, and catalyzes

The manifesting aspect of reality that can be accessed through surrender to Eros. Power is an animation that originates outside of our homeostatic self and enacts itself through us, carrying with it the ability to direct or organize psychic energy. Unlike force, power fuels, activates, and catalyzes ourselves, others, and the world.


The ordinary, everyday aspects of life

The ordinary, everyday aspects of life that may be overlooked or dismissed as lacking in significance. However, within the profane exists the potential for the sacred to be found. The profane and the sacred are not opposing forces; they are interconnected aspects of existence. The profane is not separate from the sacred, but is rather a different expression or manifestation of it.


A compensatory behavior involving seeking a certain feeling

A compensatory behavior where individuals seek increasing intensity or impact in order to feel a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment. It is a way of trying to generate a desired outcome through forceful or excessive effort. This can manifest in various aspects of life, including sexual experiences, emotional interactions, and in the pursuit of personal goals.



Remnants of thoughts that distract us from being present

The mental and emotional remnants or traces of thoughts, memories, or projections that distract from being fully present in the moment and engaged in the practice. Residue occurs when we leap into an imagined future or replay the past, taking away from the pure experience we are in.


When two individuals are in sync

A harmonious connection where two individuals are in sync, enhancing each other’s experiences.



Telling someone what we are going to do prior to doing it

Telling someone what we are going to do before we do it. We safeport in OM before making physical contact with our partner just as we safeport in communication with people at various times. Safeporting isn’t asking for permission; it is telling someone what we are going to do and when.


Being caught in the world’s cycles

A state of being caught up in the world’s cycles and dramas, going around and around and not getting anywhere.


Raw experience of feeling and perceiving

The way we experience and interpret the world around us, as well as our internal states. It is the raw, embodied experience of feeling and perceiving. Not limited to physical touch or sensory perception, it also includes emotional and energetic sensations. It is the language through which intimacy and connection are communicated.


The experience of two realities at once

A concept deeply intertwined with the understanding of non-duality and the interconnectedness of all things. It suggests that multiple truths or realities can exist at once, each valid within its own frame of reference. In terms of consciousness and human experience, we experience simultaneity as a state of being where we are both an individual and one with everything around us at the same time. This state of consciousness allows for recognizing and embracing the complexity and multiplicity of existence, where apparent opposites are mutually constitutive rather than exclusive, fostering a deeper connection to the world and to each other.


The deepest part of ourselves, our essence

The deepest part of ourselves that connects us to the essence of life and to everything around us. It’s not just a component of our being; it’s the thread that weaves through our existence, linking us to the greater tapestry of the universe. The soul is where our most authentic self resides, beyond the layers of social conditioning and the roles we play in our daily lives. It’s the source of our deepest desires, our passions, and our intuitive knowing.


A process of uncovering our soul

The art of nurturing and cultivating the core aspect of our being. It involves peeling away the layers that obscure our true essence, facing our shadows, and embracing our light and our dark. It’s about finding the gold in the river of our experience, the intrinsic value and beauty that lie within. This process is not always comfortable or easy, but is deeply rewarding, for it brings us closer to our authentic selves, to others, and to the divine. Through soulmaking, we remember and reclaim the wealth of our soul, recognizing that we are already whole and inherently valuable, not because of what we do or achieve, but simply because of who we are at our core.


The motion of the finger on a clitoris in an OM or a communication delivered to another

An action or communication made toward another person. In an OM, stroke refers to the motion of the finger on the clitoris. Outside of OM, a stroke is a communication delivered with intention, which can be either verbal or an action, directed at an individual, group of people, or an enterprise.


In an OM, the person whose clitoris is being stroked

The strokee is the person whose clitoris is being stroked during the practice of OM. In the context of a conversation, strokee refers to the person who is receiving the attention or focus of the discussion. They are the ones being “stroked” through the conversation, similar to how they would be in an OM session. The strokee’s role is not passive but rather an active engagement with their own body and the sensations that arise.


In an OM, the person who is stroking the strokee’s clitoris

The stroker is the person stroking the strokee’s clitoris during the practice of OM. In the context of a conversation, the stroker refers to the individual who is actively guiding or directing the conversation. The stroker strokes using their attention. In OM, the stroker does this with their finger; in conversation, through words and responses.


The Mystery

The ineffable aspect of life

An ineffable aspect of life that humans perceive but cannot fully comprehend or articulate. The Mystery has been studied and described throughout history by philosophers, theologians, poets, and scientists, but remains elusive and beyond complete understanding. It is often associated with concepts such as God, love, design, sentience, and grace, but these are only temporary and contextual representations of it. The Mystery is both eternal and fleeting, beyond human grasp yet a constant presence in the world.

The Spot

The physical and energetic location that produces the most resonance

In OM, a specific point of activation on the clitoris that is associated with the experience of Eros or Erotic energy. It is described as a physical and energetic location that, when touched or stroked in a resonant way, can lead to a profound sense of connection and spiritual awakening. Finding and cultivating a relationship with the spot is essential for experiencing the full potential of Eros and for living a life of deep fulfillment and purpose. The spot is described as being uncompromising and absolute, with no room for “almost” or “close.” It is a binary experience that is either on or off, and anything less than being fully on the spot is considered a compensation for not being in the fullness of Eros. In the broader context of life, the “spot” can be understood as those moments where we feel most alive, connected, and present. As in OM, it is uncompromising and absolute. We know when we are on the spot and when we are not, as we will feel it. We may not feel comfortable but we will feel alive.


Including all aspects of oneself

All aspects of everything, including the hidden, unexplored, or suppressed parts of ourselves, those around us, and the world. Totality includes mind, body, and spirit—physical, psychological, and spiritual—all of it. The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts.


To send and receive

To transceive is to have equal acumen in both sending and receiving communication or energy. It is the art of engaging in a balanced exchange with others, contributing to and benefiting from the connection.


Converting energy into another form

The process of changing or converting one form of energy into another, particularly in the context of transforming emotions or experiences into something rich and beautiful through connection.


Value-neutral congestion cast as pathology

A form of tumescence (value-neutral congestion) that, instead of being seen as potential power, is cast as a pathology, producing a cycle of shame. Trauma is often related to a particular experience in which the flow of desire was restricted, though with time the congestion may accumulate and aggregate to be reexperienced in a variety of circumstances.


A constriction of energy manifesting as suffering

A buildup of undigested material which blocks our creativity. It arises when we consciously or unconsciously redirect Erotic energy away from its natural course. It feels like inflammation, a buildup of pressure. Many “problems” we experience in life, physical and emotional, are due to tumescence. We can convert tumescence and use the energy for creativity.

Tumescent mind

A separation-based state of mind

A state of mind that is swollen with pride, self-importance, or ego. It is characterized by a focus on acquiring, control, and separation of the self from the whole. The tumescent mind is contrasted with the Erotic mind, which values connection, intimacy, and the flow of life.


Undigested material

Unprocessed feelings and sensations

Feelings and sensations that have not been fully processed by the mind and are left unattended and densely packed in the body. This can create a sense of discomfort or unease that can make it difficult to feel in control. However, when you take the time to process these experiences, they can become fuel, energy, and wisdom.


Vertical and horizontal plane

Vertical: having to do with the interior and the present, Horizontal: having to do with seeking intrinsic pleasures

Expression, experience, consciousness, and language take place in either the vertical or the horizontal plane. The vertical is rooted in the interior world in touch with something eternal, silent, and filled with presence or sentience. The vertical is associated with insight, intuition, and accessing the present moment. In contrast, the horizontal plane is extrinsic and seeks new pleasures, experiences, or acquisitions.


Wake up

Becoming aware of our interdependence

The process of becoming aware or enlightened, especially of realizing one’s connection to others and the interdependent nature of well-being.


Not expressing or sharing something with others

The act of deliberately not expressing or sharing something, such as emotions, truth, or power, which can lead to disconnection and a lack of intimacy.