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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Orgasmic Meditation: A New Relationship With Women

By Published: December, 2023

Abstract expression of new beginnings in relationships with women, with soft blue brush strokes and textured patterns.

In my twenties, I loved being an actor. I loved being in front of a live group of people, connecting to an audience in the moment's immediacy. I left the theater to start a business, and although I enjoyed the creativity of organizing and problem-solving, my life lacked connection. I had no social life outside the company, few intimate connections, and fought a lot with my best friend, a woman who was also my business partner. 

I felt proud and good to be building a business that I believed in, but I was also lonely, craving intimacy with a woman. My employees must have sensed I wasn't that happy since I would get easily frustrated and angry about mistakes they made. I was obsessive about stuff being perfect. Also, they knew I wasn't dating.

Connecting Intimately with Women

One of the guys who worked for me told me about Orgasmic Meditation (OM). He probably thought I needed to get a date and mistakenly thought OM would provide me with that. He had never actually tried OM, and I didn't feel he had a respectful attitude toward women, so I said, “Absolutely not.” But over the next year, thoughts about it kept returning to me. I looked it up on the Internet. I really wanted to have more connection with women in my life, even if it was through something like Orgasmic Meditation.

My first several OMs did not go well. Each time, either I was nervous, or I had trouble finding the woman's clitoris. The stroking felt mechanical, and I didn't feel connected. But the people I met who were already OMing encouraged me to keep trying. 

A Transformative OM

I was about ready to give up when another woman invited me to OM, and I decided to give it another try. The minute I touched her clitoris, it was like plugging my finger into a light socket. I lit up like Christmas, with trembling in my body and pops of electricity all through my system. I felt giddy and happy. The electricity in her body connected straight to me. 

That woman became my OM partner for a while. Sometimes, our sessions were like that first one, electric and popping. Sometimes, they were thick and slow and deep, like a lava flow. It was interesting to be with the same woman over and over. I got to experience the feedback loop of energy between us, as opposed to either of us being in charge. 

Blue brush strokes portraying the emotions of a new relationship with women, filled with harmony and change.

Orgasmic Meditation's Impact on Life

I loved how Orgasmic Meditation (OM) energized me. When I first started OMing, my hands would shake for twenty minutes afterward. I couldn't stop smiling and had to walk for a mile to bring myself back to the ground. Over time, OM expanded my capacity to hold that amount of electricity. The practice also honed my ability to focus attention and allowed me to feel things deeply. I could even feel other people as I was talking to them.

Then something unexpected happened. Various women in my life started asking me to spend time with them. I had started talking to women without any goal and in a way where I was giving them really quality attention. I was trying to find out who a woman was rather than trying to get in her pants. And that made women want to be with me. It was so ironic because I started OMing because I wanted more sex in my life. Then, once I started OMing, I didn't care about the sex anymore so much. I just wanted to OM. I started having more dates, and my Orgasmic Meditation practice continued to flourish. It's important to distinguish Orgasmic Meditation (OM) from any other kind of spiritual path. For me, OM is a meditation practice. It's about refining attention and being in a shared experience where I don’t need to give or get anything. I can just be with my partner and the sensation as it is. 

Women Appreciate Presence Over Reciprocity

My own experience of relating to women changed dramatically from OMing. I used to see only what I could get. It was easy to get stuck in reciprocity. You did this for me, so I'll do that for you. Orgasmic Meditation helps get me out of my head and into my body and my feelings. Because I'm able to stay present, I find that my connection with women has gotten exponentially better since I started OMing. 

My work life changed, too. I started fighting less with my business partner. I learned how to hold space for her and be with her exactly as she was. We had always fought about money, and after Orgasmic Meditation, I found myself more willing to say yes to her suggestions. I noticed that whenever I said yes to her, her whole body would relax, smile, and become more creative and productive. And when I said no to her, she would withdraw and shut down.

At one point, she wanted the company to buy a $15,000 machine to brew high-quality tea for our customers. I thought it was ridiculous. We could get loose-leaf tea and not have to spend 15 grand. But I said yes. I thought, I'll just surrender here. And it made the best tea you've ever had. The machine did not end up recouping its cost. I still don't think it was a smart investment for the business. But the tea was delicious, and it was delightful to play with the machine. It could do a lot of things, so I ended up making new products with it. A lot of play and creativity came out of it.

Enjoying Life More

I don't think that, at the time, I was specifically valuing creativity over finances, although, in retrospect, I think my priorities were changing. Before Orgasmic Meditation, I would have dug my heels in and torn the company to the ground before buying that machine. Instead, I had a more joyful experience and maintained the friendship and connection with my business partner.

In general, I enjoy life more now. I feel so much love and openness with people in my life. I have become more appreciative of who they are and less critical of their mistakes. I ask people about their lives and have meaningful conversations with them. I have developed a sense of my own value. I don’t need to prove anything to show my worth. I can just be myself.

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