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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

How Orgasmic Meditation Changed My Perspective on Women

By Published: December, 2023

Flowing blue patterns inspiring relaxation and clarity, ideal for meditation women practices.

I’ve always been very practical and mechanical, and I used to value logic over emotion. What society thought was the right thing to do was the right thing to do. If I felt something was off or if I didn't like something, I would still follow through and do it because that always seemed the most logical, reasonable thing to do. I was very masculine in the structured way that I was living. No surprise, I’m an engineer by trade.

Difficulty Relating to Women

I didn't know how to relate to women very well. I’d get into a relationship but would get bored rather quickly. I had my kind of structure and my way of being and seeing things, and that was the way it was. There was the brief excitement of connecting with someone new, but then the mystery was quickly gone, and so was the excitement. I wasn’t capable of going into any depth in a relationship. I wasn't vulnerable, and I wasn’t open to sharing.

I realized something was wrong when I met this beautiful woman and couldn’t get turned on physically. I was turned on mentally, but something was missing. Being logical, I assumed I just needed to learn some new skills or techniques or something like that. I was also going through a lot of depression at that time as well. 

Awakening Through OM

Exploring Orgasmic Meditation (OM), I quickly realized that my mind was always getting in the way. My first OM was pretty awkward. It was exciting, but I was in my head constantly thinking, Did I do that right? Is that the right spot? It was more of a session of technical confusion. I felt some sensation in my body, but it wasn't much. But what did happen was, a few days after the introductory course, I went to a restaurant and noticed that everybody was looking at me—particularly women. Young ones and older ones, attractive and unattractive ones. And I thought, Wow! They see me. I didn't realize until then that I believed women weren’t seeing me. That was a really deep moment for me.

Calm and textured patterns illustrating the serenity of meditation women practices.

At the beginning of the Orgasmic Meditation practice, I was defensive. I didn’t take feedback or instruction from women very well. I would grudgingly follow the procedure and follow their lead. But internally, I was thinking, Hey! I know what I’m doing! Now that I practice Orgasmic Meditation, I have learned that it's always good to go wherever a woman asks me! It ends in more connection for the both of us.

Women Thrive on Change

Because of Orgasmic Meditation (OM), I’m much less rigid today and more open to possibilities and change. When I’m out with a woman and we have set plans, she says, “Oh, no, let's do this instead.” It’s okay. I can just go with the change. I used to avoid women who were more successful than me. But now it’s okay. Now, I don't feel threatened if she takes the lead. I’ve learned to practice surrender when making decisions in my life. Planning and structure are still important for my engineering work, but I can accept new goals and objectives in relationships and group dynamics. 

Overall, I can feel more now. I can feel sensations through my whole body. I’ve learned to factor in feeling and intuition, which has given me a more balanced way of looking at things and going through life. I’ve realized that barriers to pleasure must be worked through. I’ve learned being turned on can have as much to do with emotion as it does with physiological response. I’ve seen that intimate relationships are often blocked throughout the dating process with so much expectation. 

New Perspectives on Connection

How men and women are taught to connect leads to so much anger and frustration. There's so much suppression and so much control, and it’s unnecessary. Certainly, I’m happier learning to let these things go. My life is very different now than it used to be. I have a diverse group of friends—very technical people, people in physical therapy, artists … people I never would have known before.

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