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Resolving Guilt and Shame

by John

Years back, I was married and a father to two children. I loved being a dad, living for someone else, and becoming less self-centered. I liked golfing, but one day, when my first kid was six months old, I was on the golf course, and it suddenly occurred to me I could be spending time with my daughter. I said, “You know what? I don't need this. I'll go back to golf when she doesn't want to hang out with me anymore.” 

Onset of Depression

I worked as a dentist, which I'd decided I would do when my second-grade teacher asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. Whenever I set my mind to something, I complete it. My practice and my family were my whole life. Then, after eighteen years of marriage, my relationship fell apart. We tried to work it through, but my wife had an affair. We went through therapy, and she decided she wanted to leave. I tried really hard not to have a breakup, but she couldn't get through it. Finally, I gave up, and we divorced. 

I fell into depression. I was floating around, looking for something, but I didn't know what. I went camping and joined several meetup groups. One day, I read about OM—Orgasmic Meditation. At first, I wasn't sure it was real, but I was intrigued. On some level, I must have sensed that I was repressed and needed to find a way to open up and be more comfortable with myself. I decided to try it out.

First OM Experience

It took me a long time to get up the nerve to ask someone to OM, but luckily, someone asked me. The first time, I was sweating and nervous, trying to focus on doing the technique right. After a few OMs, I started to ask myself why I was so uncomfortable in the sessions. It came to me that I was coming up against religious guilt and a traumatic experience from the age of ten.

The noticing step was particularly hard for me. Before the stroking begins, the stroker looks at the strokee's genitals and describes them in a neutral way, without placing any value judgment on what he sees.  I had a hard time even saying anything. Then, I made the connection between my discomfort and the traumatic memory, and I was able to work through it.

Goallessness of Orgasmic Meditation

OM's goallessness had a big effect on me. I've always been good at setting goals and sticking to them, but this practice was about being present at the moment and feeling sensations instead of trying to make something happen. I learned to let go and appreciate each moment. 

Now, I'm taking a break from dentistry. I'm traveling a lot, deciding where to go by intuition. I'm getting pleasure out of life. I still have a lot of connections in the dental field, and I used to teach. I may go back to it since I enjoy my profession. For now, it's on the back burner. 

Breaking Depression's Cycle

For so many years, I was repressed, but OM has helped me resolve a lot of guilt and shame. Orgasmic Meditation is a great method to break down barriers within yourself and help you understand yourself. It's truly liberating.

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