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What Is Unspeakable in the Ascendant Is Honorable in the Descendant

Published May, 2024

Buy The Eros Sutras Here

We crave darkness desperately but believe it is inappropriate, so we sneak it, and in doing so, give it a bad reputation.

— The darkness is actually the Feminine, the wild uncultivated parts of ourselves. Held against this masculine background of appropriateness, the darkness appears as everything we do not want to be. —

It is therefore vital, not only for individuals, but communities and nations, that we recontextualize and exalt all things dark so we can begin to enter this world we crave and operate skillfully there. 

Disconnection from Reality

When we’re coasting along in our appropriate selves, our sense of the physical realities of bodies, sweat, and earthiness becomes so diffuse it’s as if we are exempt from biology. We imagine we are never again going to smell or lose control. But what goes up must come down. Descent is approaching, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

— When it comes, we feel ourselves at the mercy of our bodies and all the instincts and involuntary processes that go with them. We cannot control what we feel and, worse, we cannot always succeed in hiding it. —

Trying to stay up and on top all the time makes us uptight. When we attempt to align only with what we consider to be our “higher” consciousness, we must be hypervigilant against anything that doesn’t fit that narrative.

Embracing Vulnerability

If we don’t monitor ourselves, something is liable to leak. The body melts a little wherever it comes in contact with the soul: laughing, weeping, blushing, goose bumps, chills, sexual arousal. Some of these reactions are literally wet. And while some of them can be faked, when they occur spontaneously, they never lie. For better or worse, what we really feel is on display, impossible to conceal from ourselves or others.

— To descend with grace is to surrender to the reality that we can’t always choose what we feel and there are witnesses to our helplessness. Getting used to this can be liberating. —

When we stop being so afraid of the involuntary, we can permit ourselves to be spontaneous. We have a greater range of available responses because we can include what we once censored.

Buy The Eros Sutras Vol. 1 Here

Related Sutras:

Sutra 24 | The Only Thing Wanted Is a Lit-up Us

Sutra 81 | Feminine Spirituality Is Rooted in Nature

Sutra 84 | How the Mind Achieves Joy

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