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What Is Spiritual Sex?

Published May, 2024

Spiritual sex is a simple concept. It elevates a physical exchange into something else entirely. While engaged in intimacy, something deeper takes hold, a connection not only between partners but between the partner and his or her own self. The mind releases completely into a moment, a sensation, a pleasure, a peace, an understanding that is at once fleeting and as timeless as God.

The Concept of Spiritual Sex

The practice of spiritual sex, then, is another way human beings connect to the energy of everything that is. Call it what you’d like; we call it Eros. Many feel - or downright scoff - at the idea of spiritual sex. However, most intimacy has aspects of it, and one partner can experience it while the other does not. Powerful biochemicals are released during sex that blow the mind open, and, in this accepting state, many thoughts and feelings flow in. For everything.

spiritual sex

Understanding spiritual sex is crucial as it offers a deeper, more meaningful approach to intimacy. This is not just about physical pleasure but about a deeper emotional and spiritual connection that can bring about a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that goes beyond the physical. It's about exploring a new dimension of intimacy that is more profound and meaningful, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience on the spiritual path.

— “Have you ever wanted More? Not more stuff . . . or success . . . or fame . . . but more intimacy, more connection, more mystery, more awe” ~ Mariah McKenzie —

Spiritual sex is a practice that combines the physical act of sex with spiritual awareness. This is not just about physical pleasure but about a deeper connection that can be achieved when both partners are fully present and aware during the act. Spirituality and sexuality are interconnected in the practice of spiritual sex. It is a belief that our sexual energy can be channeled towards spiritual growth and enlightenment. This means that the act of sex is not just about physical pleasure but can also be a means of spiritual growth and development. It's about harnessing the power of sexual energy to foster spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Consciousness and Sex 

Consciousness plays a significant role in spiritual sex. It involves being fully present and aware during the act (mindfulness), focusing on the connection with the partner and the energy exchange that occurs. This means that both partners need to be fully present and aware during the act, focusing on the connection and the energy exchange. To be anything but fully aware and present during sex diminishes the huge spiritual growth potential in the act. 

— Spiritual sex expands the soul, touching all aspects of life. —

is sex spiritual

Intimacy and connection are at the heart of spiritual sex. So is an energy exchange, a key aspect of spiritual sex. It involves the transfer of energy between partners, creating a powerful connection that transcends the physical. That energy, harnessed and pointed toward connection, fosters a deeper intimacy, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience. Presence and mindfulness are crucial in spiritual sex. It involves being fully present in the moment, focusing on the sensations and the connection with the partner. This means that both partners need to be fully present and aware during the act, focusing on what the partner desires and communicating it. 

Spiritual Sex As A Practice

Practicing spiritual sex is as simple or complex as participants desire. Some accentuate the sacred aspects of sex with candles or soft lighting, scents from perfume, incense, or flowers, the sounds of music or running water or birdsong through the window. 

— Spiritual sex is about an open, curious awareness of the event, how the environment smelled, felt, and looked, the taste of your partner’s skin. —

A mole in an interesting spot can open thoughts of beauty and imperfection, lighting up your internal world. While learning about a partner, self-discovery starts, and questions like “I wonder why I like this and not that?” or “Why does my body respond like that?” begin to form. The path of spiritual sex is full of such prompts for awakening. All you have to do is be alert and wait.


Many misconceptions exist about spiritual sex, such as it being a religious practice or only for certain people. However, spiritual sex is a practice that anyone can explore and benefit from. It is not limited to any particular religion or group of people, and anyone who is interested in exploring a deeper level of intimacy and connection should explore it. It's about debunking the myths and misconceptions about spiritual sex and making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs or background.

spiritual sexuality

The Body

The body plays a significant role in spiritual sex. It is the vessel through which energy is transferred, and the connection is made. This means that the body is not just a physical entity but a vessel through which energy can be transferred and a deeper connection can be made. It's about recognizing the role of the body in spiritual sex and using it as a vessel for energy transfer and connection. The body, then, is a sacred aspect of spiritual sex.


Tuning into the body's desires is crucial in spiritual sex. It involves listening to the body and responding to its needs. It involves articulating those needs to a partner, creating communication and connection.  This means that both partners need to be in tune with their bodies and respond to their needs in order to create a more fulfilling and meaningful experience. 

The body is seen as a connection to the divine in spiritual sex. It is through the body that we can access higher levels of consciousness and spiritual growth. (Think about how yoga works. It primes the body to commune with and receive greater energies.) This means that the body is not just a physical entity but a connection to the divine. Treat it as such. It’s about recognizing the body as a connection to the divine and using it as a means of accessing higher levels of consciousness and spiritual growth.

what is spiritual sexuality

Spiritual Adulthood

Spiritual adulthood is a concept that involves the integration of life experiences and the development of spiritual maturity.

— Everything that happens to us and everything we do, good and bad, is all an opportunity to reflect, grow, create, and connect. —

Spiritual adulthood says that everything that happens is of use, an opportunity to rise into the fullest expression of their humanity. Eros plays a significant role in spiritual adulthood. Eros can be viewed as the life force or an erotic energy that is in all living things. Both are true. It is a powerful drive that can be harnessed for spiritual growth and enlightenment. All that’s required is attention to the feeling and then letting it take you. 

Eros & Spiritual Sex

When speaking about spiritual sex, Eros is a concept that represents erotic love or desire. It is a powerful force that can be harnessed in the practice of spiritual sex. This means that erotic love, or Eros, can be a powerful force that can be harnessed in the practice of spiritual sex. It's about recognizing the power of Eros in spiritual sex and using it as a means of fostering a deeper connection and intimacy.

Feminine and Masculine Aspects

The feminine aspect of spiritual sex is about nurturing, connection, and receptivity, and it involves creating a safe and nurturing space for intimacy to flourish. The masculine aspect of spiritual sex is about strength, protection, and giving, and it involves providing a safe and secure environment for the feminine to express itself.

What would this look like, this safe space that the feminine longs for and the strength and protection of the male? This configuration could appear as simply as the masculine taking the side of the bed by the door, protecting the feminine on the other half of the bed. Mindfulness of the other is critical in meeting the needs of the masculine and the feminine in spiritual sex.

Your Journey

Spiritual sex is a powerful practice that transcends the physical act of sex, elevating it to a higher level of consciousness. It offers a deeper, more meaningful approach to intimacy, fostering a sense of unity and mutual understanding. This means that spiritual sex is not just about physical pleasure but about a deeper emotional and spiritual connection that can bring about a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that goes beyond the physical. Spiritual sex attenuates focus and sharpens attention, leaving participants in a blissed-out, peaceful state. Great and small insights pour in. Spiritual sex can feel like a miracle of sorts.

You are encouraged to explore your own journey to spiritual sex. It is a practice that can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself and others. On every level - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual - it has the power to actualize and heal.

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