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Desire Awaits Our Admission

Published May, 2024

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Desire is indestructible, indivisible, incorruptible. No argument can contest it. As humbling as it is to our rational mind, desire cannot be destroyed. We can, of course, dismiss desire. We can try to dismiss, diminish, ignore, demonize, attempt to redirect, repress, argue with, entreat upon, demand, cajole, coerce, or build another life on top of it, but none of these actions will affect desire in the least. 

Patience of Desire

sexual desire spirituality

Desire is patient and will lie in wait until we build a consciousness strong enough, sensitive enough, willing enough, and perhaps even defeated enough to stand once and for all at its doorway and admit there is no option other than to offer ourselves over to it. 

— To be truly transformed, we must allow desire to take us and turn us into who we would need to be to have the care, guardianship, respect, and fierceness required to carry this noble force. —

A Catalyst for Evolution

To carry desire is to catalyze our evolution because desire desires always and only for all things to become what they already are.

Buy The Eros Sutras Vol. 1 Here

Related Sutras:

Sutra 07 | Desire Uses Us

Sutra 09 | Holding and Moving

Sutra 10 | Climax and Desire

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