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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Trauma to Transcendence: My Orgasmic Meditation Story

By Published: December, 2023

Gentle curves of peach and teal brushstrokes create a calming flow, evoking mindful healing and inner peace through meditative patterns

I grew up an Army brat. Until I was twelve, my family moved all over the world as my parents were transferred from base to base. At one point, between fifth and ninth grade, I went to five different schools in five years. I became very good at making new friends and hiding pain and trauma.

Masking Trauma Through Perfectionism

I grew up in a family full of addicts. I was the eldest and what family systems therapists call “the hero child.” I did well in school, had lots of extracurricular activities, and became the “success” of which everyone else could be proud. Like many hero children, I was convinced I had to be perfect to be loved. Other people could get away with messing up, but not me. My perfectionism stayed with me for years. I got excellent grades in high school and earned myself a full-ride scholarship to college. I worked hard in school, putting academics ahead of my social life. I went to grad school, got a business degree, and started working for a Fortune 500 company. Shortly before my 29th birthday, they promoted me to manager.

Soothing abstract waves in coral and deep teal paint strokes reflect a peaceful journey toward emotional healing and balance

Life Transition

I remember sitting down to eat with fellow managers in the executive lunchroom, listening to them talk about their lives. I was the only woman in the room and the youngest by at least a decade. These men talked about their golf games and how best to reseed their lawns. Listening to them, I felt something inside me shrivel up. I had worked so hard for this. I had denied myself so much for so long to get to the point where I could listen to middle-aged white guys talk about lawn care. It hit me with absolute certainty that I couldn’t continue like this. The problem was I had no idea what to do next. I had no models for how to live better. My relationships with men weren’t much healthier than my relationship with my company. I had no idea how to have productive conflicts or say my truth. I just broke up with people when I didn’t know how to communicate with them anymore.

Reinventing Myself After Trauma

I left the company, returned to graduate school, jumped off the ladder, and began to reinvent myself professionally. I knew I needed to heal from my early trauma, too, but that was going to be more difficult. I went to therapy, tried different practices and modalities, and kept searching as best I could. I first came across Orgasmic Meditation in a TED Talk, and I thought it was fascinating and terrifying. I was sure I could never do it, and I put it out of my mind for two years. Finally, one day, a massage therapist I knew told me how it had revolutionized his work and life. He was very emphatic that I needed to try it.

Discovering Orgasmic Meditation

I still resisted—and then I was asked to speak at an Orgasmic Meditation workshop about my more recent work in healing. If I was too scared to go for myself, I was willing to go to share with others. People came for many reasons; I came to teach and to find myself.

I cried through my first OM. Afterwards, I felt cleansed. I knew that this was a deep spiritual practice – and by this point in my journey, I had had a lot of spiritual practices. I knew what could go deep and what would stay superficial. This was about going deep. I could recognize my anxieties as defenses to be overcome. If you start a gym habit, you learn the hardest part is getting those athletic shoes laced up every morning. You're fine once you start working out; getting going is tough. The same thing was true of Orgasmic Meditation. I learned to push through my doubts and insecurities, knowing that if I did make it to an OM session, I would walk out a different person, filled with well-being.

Flowing brushstrokes in soft peach against dark teal background create a tranquil space for healing meditation practice

Overcoming Trauma

I cried through the next 40 OMs I did. After the first dozen, I wondered how I could have so many tears left inside me. Day after day, they flowed out of my eyes, over my eardrums, and into my hair. After a while, it didn’t bother me anymore. I knew I had so much I had to clean out. I started to realize by the 20th OM that each time I wept, I was letting go of trauma I could let go of in no other way. I was becoming less closed-off, freer, and less shut down. It was beautiful. I don’t cry through every OM practice anymore, but I can still let go of whatever burden I carry every time I do. If I feel grumpy or anything less than stellar, an OM will ground me back into my body. My orgasm and my practice come first, and because I put them first, I can be of service to everyone else, not as the exhausted hero but as my authentic self.

Innovative Leadership

I run a business, a manufacturing business, and it's not a touchy-feely kind of environment. This is hard-nosed stuff – except I’ve gone out of my way to hire touchy-feely people who can do complex manufacturing work and still deal with their internal processes. I insist we work to address the sticky issues that always arise between people in the same company. Other bosses might think that’s a waste of time and resources. One thing I learned from Orgasmic Meditation is efficiency – just as an OM lasts 15 minutes but can change your whole world, small intentional investments in other people’s well-being can also transform your company. You can’t afford not to spend the time doing this work! 

Just last week, I had a 30-minute conversation with an employee that started when I asked him about his self-care practice. He was thrilled to be noticed. The attentiveness I can bring to my company and my relationships starts with the work I do in Orgasmic Meditation. So many people, like this employee, are being touched by OM and don’t even know it.

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