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Surrendering to Simplicity

by Nikki

I've had a lot of different jobs in my life—fast food, retail, pizza delivery girl. I sold Mary Kay beauty products, and I worked as a massage therapist. I was even a stagehand on The Strip for five years. These days, I have a business I'm passionate about as a sexological bodyworker and coach.

But in my personal life, I've struggled. Communication with my husband was challenging. When I told him something, it didn’t always penetrate. I didn’t always feel received by him.

Communication Challenges

It was during my bodywork training that I first heard about Orgasmic Meditation. At first, I was very skeptical of the practice. How would I get anything out of such a simple act as clitoral stroking? I had the mindset that bigger was always better—more toys, more excitement! It didn’t seem like Orgasmic Meditation could compare to that, with its simplicity. 

And even though I had been doing 12-step work for years, meditation was something I had always struggled with. I was skeptical about that part of OM—Orgasmic Meditation, too. So, I completely disregarded it for about two years.

The Practice of Orgasmic Meditation

I finally decided to learn to OM with my husband, which was fabulous. When my husband and I had a chance to practice Orgasmic Meditation, and when he put his finger on my clitoris, I felt a warm sense of pleasure. I was extremely relieved because I didn't think it would be possible for us.

Orgasmic Meditation was simple and systematic enough that my husband could drop into his body, experience it, and feel the energy. It was real for both of us. And it wasn't just me needing him to do something to satisfy me. It was mutually beneficial. 

Communication & Boundaries

Having Orgasmic Meditation as a container with clear boundaries to explore inside was so liberating. The tightness of the container and those guidelines allow you to go deeper. So, even though OM was very simple, the container made every nuance of every stroke that much more meaningful or sensational—or not, as the case may be. Every OM is different. 

I started developing an OM practice, and many things shifted. As I became more physically sensitive to the stroking, I became more sensitive in my communication and my connection with others. It was a gradual, constant improvement—I felt more connected in general and could communicate more richly and deeply. 

Of course, Orgasmic Meditation enriched my work, too. As a relationship coach, I teach people that you need time for practice. It’s similar to being a performer or an athlete—you don’t just go out and perform or compete. You rehearse. You practice. Thinking that we can all just jump into bed and be phenomenal lovers is kind of silly. Orgasmic Meditation is separate from sex, so it’s a place where you can practice connecting to the subtle sensations in the body. 

Embracing Goallessness

Perhaps OM’s biggest gift to me has been its goallessness. Before OM, I was always hoping for climax. If it didn't happen, then the whole experience was a disappointment. The practice of being goalless and being present for every stroke translated into making all my experiences richer and fuller. I didn’t have to add anything to achieve satisfaction. The quality of my attention was much better, and I could be more present.

Orgasmic Meditation has helped me learn to enjoy all the sensations of life, even the so-called negative ones—sadness, disappointment, and heartache. Normally, we try to avoid these things at all costs. With OM, I learned to drop into them in a way that makes even these feelings rich or fulfilling, as painful as they are.

Balance in Life

When you can really surrender to the goallessness of Orgasmic Meditation, it gives you the space to explore. That’s because now you have extra energy to explore. You normally would be expending that energy toward doing. Instead, you get to expend that energy toward being. 

That said, I’m not goalless in every aspect of my life. It’s good to be balanced and have a productive mindset, too. I want to be my best self and live my best life. I want to experience it all.

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