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Refilling My Tank

by Ishan Mal

Before I discovered Orgasmic Meditation, I was getting divorced and was leaving my home. I was lonely, and it was a difficult time. 

The things I did to find connection just didn't resonate. I tried various online groups, dinners, walks, and other kinds of things. They just didn't touch me in any way, and I was bored by all of them. I was looking for something that would touch me at a deeper spiritual or feeling level and create intimacy in various ways.

Discovering Orgasmic Meditation

Eventually, I found Orgasmic Meditation online. It wasn't clear that it was a physical practice. But a practice that allowed me to access an orgasmic state through meditation seemed like a very good way of passing the time, so I went to an event. At first, I was reluctant to sign up for an introductory class. But for some reason, I did.

I remember being very nervous about it. In my first OM (Orgasmic Meditation), my body felt incredibly stiff, and I had to dig deep to feel any sensations. I felt a bit awkward, and my lower back was painful, so I wasn't comfortable in the standard OM position. But my partner helped me and showed me an alternative position, and it all ended up being rather fantastic. Without even realizing it, I started developing a couple of regular OM partners, which took me deeper. When people started asking me to repeat OM sessions, I realized they weren’t hating this experience and that I must develop some competence. 

By that time, I was noticing some personal benefits. The first was listening. I realized I was learning to pay exquisite attention to nonverbal and energetic signals—and the changes in a woman’s genitals. Seeing the color change during an Orgasmic Meditation was an incredible experience.

Improved Relationships

I started to notice that I was listening better in general. I let people finish their sentences without jumping in with what I had to say. Then, I'd respond to what they'd said rather than spouting out whatever I intended to say. And it changed my relationship with women. The actual experiences—the level of touch, the level of sensation, that sense of knowing without knowing, of not having to be told what your partner wants next, just following the natural rhythms—had never happened to me before. I felt so much more connected.

After a while, I literally didn't argue with anyone about anything. Orgasmic Meditation allowed me to be a lot more tolerant. It changed the way I am around people. My listening, my judgment, my tolerance of what's going on, my capacity to let things go and to laugh at stupid stuff people get upset over—all the things that would have triggered me in the past—I stopped being sucked into all the drama.

I remember OMing with a woman who was having a transcendental experience, and I could feel it. I couldn't describe what was happening to her other than these big energy waves. Afterwards, she said it was like she had experienced a rebirth. 

Public Speaking & Orgasmic Meditation

I do a lot of public speaking, and I noticed that if I OMed the night before or even the morning of my speech, it changed how I was onstage. I was more energized and vibrant in my presentation, bouncier. I definitely brought a different quality to my audience.

Then, I fell out of the practice for a couple of years for no discernable reason. I chose to withdraw and hibernate. But after those two years, right after completing a massive tour of speaking and promoting a book, I was exhausted. I was totally tapped out. An old Orgasmic Meditation partner who lived locally reached out to me, and I started the practice again. Three months of OMing regularly brought me back to life. My vibration was higher, and my quality of connection with people was better. My inner thoughts changed. I came back into my body and started to have sensations again. 

OM Practice Payoff

Orgasmic Meditation totally refilled the tank, and I realized if I'd carried on with the practice, I probably would have navigated the energetic ups and downs of those years quite differently. Today, I'm very conscious that there's a close correlation between regular OMing and my mood. They feed each other in a good way. Dropping back into the practice was like rediscovering an old and familiar friend. 

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