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Lifting the Wall of Shame

by Daniel

I grew up in West Michigan in a pretty conservative Christian community. The culture’s underlying message around sexuality was one of repression and shame. Among the guys, attitudes about sex sunk to the level of rude comments; in public, attitudes rose to a cautious, overly polite reticence about the topic. In my family, a repressive vibe simmered beneath the surface, largely unspoken.

Unspoken Family Shame

As a consequence, well into my adulthood, my body felt closed off and numbed. I couldn’t feel much from the diaphragm down—the groin area was completely locked and sealed. It might as well have been in a cement box.

My own struggles led me to a career as a dating coach. While I was in college, I lost a girl that I wanted to marry and was heartbroken. So, I ended up joining forces with a guy in Los Angeles and became the head coach of his program. I was coaching men at that time—mostly men from California, where the culture is much more open—and we spoke about dating and sex without censorship. This felt like an open season to me after the repressiveness of my childhood. It was almost an overcompensation of what I’d been lacking before.

Beyond Erotic Shame

Eventually, I moved out West, and that’s where I discovered Orgasmic Meditation. Until then, I hadn’t really experienced the female viewpoint on erotic intimacy. Orgasmic Meditation was not just female-friendly but female-focused. Having women and the feminine in the conversation was a massive shift for me. Orgasmic Meditation challenges all the biases men harbor, and the experience was like night and day to what I had encountered before.

While becoming a dating coach helped lift the walls of shame around me, Orgasmic Meditation took that ten steps further. It shattered all my misconceptions about intimacy and helped me find and eradicate my blind spots. 

Perhaps the most eye-opening part of it was meeting women who—through practicing Orgasmic Meditation regularly over a long period—could achieve a kind of sovereignty. It was so different, interacting with women who took 100 percent responsibility for her own experience. In one such experience, it seemed like every stroke I made was flawless; I could not make a wrong move. I can hardly describe the experience, but it felt deeply spiritual.

Finding Perfection Everywhere

Afterwards, I had a mind-blowing epiphany: I wasn’t responsible for how other people experienced me. I was perfect just as I was, and there was nothing I needed to do. I felt free of anxiety, worry, and shame about my performance or anything else that was outside of my power. I learned that when I can embrace life as it is, I can find perfection everywhere.

I had to ask myself, Were there other times when someone offered me the keys to paradise, but I said no because I was stuck inside my head? What else was I missing or denying myself?

Life-Affirming Growth

The experience I’ve had with Orgasmic Meditation has given me a depth of sensitivity that I can use in just about every moment. It lets me ask, How can I be more sensitive to the thing that’s going to reveal the most beauty, love, or spirituality? I see it in every decision I make, big or small.

Should I go to the woods today or stay here and work? Should I meet a friend for dinner, or should I call him on the phone instead? This experience has taught me to constantly check myself so I can follow the electricity of the moment and drop into what is real.

Overcoming Shame

It was through Orgasmic Meditation and experiences and epiphanies like these that I was able to blast away the last microscopic bits of shame that were holding me back. Now, I know how to create a container for more life-affirming opportunities to unfold. If I’m facing a problem or challenge, I can tune into what’s real and feel the direction I need to go. I have an internal compass guiding me toward what feels good, awake, and alive. 

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