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I Could Relax For The First Time

by Brianna Dobbs

This is embarrassing, but the first time I went to an Orgasmic Meditation event, I didn’t realize what it was. A friend dragged me to the event, and I honestly thought it was just normal meditation. I thought ‘orgasmic’ just meant ‘great,’ or something like that, like how you might say a bite of cheesecake is orgasmic. 

When I learned more, I thought it sounded crazy, but I was really struck by the women who OMed. These people stood in their power, giving off an undeniable frequency and energy. It was raw and authentic. But I wasn’t ready, and my first OM—Orgasmic Meditation didn’t happen for another two and a half years.

Abusive Childhood

I grew up in an extremely abusive household with a father who raged, taking most of his anger out on my sister and my mom. He would scream at them for having emotions and or talking. So I stopped talking. When my fight or flight mechanism kicked in, I chose to freeze. I stopped showing emotion, shoved it into a dark hole, and hid myself inside. I didn’t realize how abusive my situation was until later when I moved away. 

After that first exposure to OM—Orgasmic Meditation, I did what I’ve heard some people do with AA. They get the Big Book, take the information, and say, thanks, this is great, but it’s not for me right now. 

Over the next two and a half years, I made a lot of progress toward closure with my abusive past. But I still had these persistent issues around my sexuality being closed and my desire being closed. It felt as though I was being eaten alive; that’s how much I wanted to open. Finally, I realized it wouldn’t just happen on its own. I needed help. That’s when I remembered Orgasmic Meditation. 

First Orgasmic Meditation Practice

I was so nervous before my first OM—Orgasmic Meditation. I asked someone whom I was really attracted to at the behest of some friends of mine who’d come along to the course. You should know I’ve never really looked men in the eyes. I always felt like they wanted something from me. So walking up to a guy and asking him to OM can imagine. But the rules of the container had me feeling bold. The strong women around me had me feeling bold. So I asked. And he said yes. 

He took so much care in that first OM. I can still remember the energy ringing all through my body, from my thighs up to my chest. Energy is breathing and moving through me. It felt like something inside me could relax for the first time. And everything in my life started to change. 

Desire for Connection

For instance, let me tell you about going out for dinner. I would go to this organic grocery store with a restaurant attached and feel so uncomfortable just talking to guys. A simple “What are you ordering?” or “Hi, how are you?” I would respond with pure jaggedness. I wouldn’t give any space for interaction, and then I would abruptly walk away and feel like an idiot. 

And I did want the connection! I wanted to connect, I wanted to talk, and I wanted attention! But I didn’t know how to handle attention. I was afraid of all the different variables that went with it. What I’m going to say: Am I safe? How much should I show of myself? 

Newfound Confidence

But Orgasmic Meditation has changed all that. Putting myself in that vulnerable position with men over and over and seeing experientially that it would be okay has opened me up. The adjustments have helped me become more assertive, and the entire practice has helped me develop my voice.

I asked a guy to OM the other day out of the blue! I was waiting in line at a book signing when I noticed him. I saw he was wearing some OM-related apparel, and I actually paused to talk to the author, a hero of mine, and sprinted after him!

“Do you OM?” I said breathlessly after tapping him on the shoulder.

“Uh, yes, I do.”

“Would you like to OM sometime?”

“Yes! I really would.”

Finding Freedom Within

I could never have seen this happening a few years ago. I was so scared to use my voice. I’m not scared anymore. I have even expressed myself to my dad and told him how I felt. And he listened. It was so beautiful because I’d never done that before. I felt so raw but so amazing afterward—free.

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