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Finding Deep Spiritual Meaning in Physical Practices

by Thierry

Orgasmic Meditation (OM) was an amazing discovery for me, and I am convinced that everyone should know about it and try to experience it for themselves. Orgasmic Meditation helped me find and understand the link between spirituality and relationships, improving my physical and emotional connections. It also helped me learn to meditate, forge meaningful connections, and be at peace with women.

Connecting Spirituality and Physical Intimacy

Before I started my Orgasmic Meditation practice, I had a lot less trust in myself. This was true for my interactions with women and, more broadly, in my life. I had been married and divorced, with one child from that marriage, and many of my ideas were rooted in the conventional roles men and women take on in these relationships. Back then, I always felt this barrier between me and my partners, and I don’t think I really knew how to touch women. I had a blockage when it came to connection or intimacy for me at the time, and I was not really at peace with it.

I also had ideas about spirituality and spiritual practices. For a while, I practiced Rosicrucianism – a mystical doctrine based on the idea of spiritual transformation through esoteric knowledge. This doctrine was appealing to me because it’s based on the concept of turning inward and discovering real truths about the world through latent spirituality. I also studied and practiced Aikido – a “non-combative” martial art that focuses on peace, harmony, and spirituality in a unified physical practice designed to end conflicts non-violently. 

So you can probably tell I was looking for something. Some links between spiritual and physical energies that I could focus on and practice.

Feminine Side and Unity

Orgasmic Meditation, in combination with other practices I was exploring, was really effective in helping me address my issues relating to women and in identifying my feminine side. The idea that I had a feminine side and that it was worthwhile for me to try to get in touch with it was very powerful for me. It jived with other ideas that were percolating in my brain, ideas about how seemingly separate things are actually unified.

I began to see my own identity as a balance of male and female energies and to practice hearing and responding to feminine energies. With the help of these discoveries, I was able to forge unity with my partner during OMs and start experiencing real connection in my practice.

Fulfillment, Healing, and Transformation

All of the growth I experienced through Orgasmic Meditation has helped me both in my relationships with women and in my everyday life. I feel more connected and responsive. Life is much more fulfilling. I feel better able to understand women’s needs and more empowered to meet them. But I also feel as if I healed a rift in my spiritual life and finally found peace in relating to women.

This has helped me pursue similar unities in other meditative practices. In my Zen practice and my other meditative activities, I feel better focused and more plugged into my own body. These are all ongoing developments, but I am making progress, and Orgasmic Meditation has been instrumental in my growth.

Finding Spiritual Unity

Through OM, I have found real links and unities that have brought peace and connection to my life and relationships. From my own experiences, I can say that Orgasmic Meditation has been eye-opening and transformational. Everyone should know about Orgasmic Meditation; it may be just what you’ve been looking for.

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