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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Orgasmic Meditation: Finding True Feminine Connection

By Published: December, 2023

Abstract depiction of feminine connection represented through colorful brush strokes.

If I think about why I went looking for something like Orgasmic Meditation (OM), it all had to do with this tremendous desire to connect with women. Growing up, I had a hard time talking to women, yet I had this incredible longing to be close to them. It wasn’t just lust. I was entranced by the feminine, yet I had no way to draw near to it.

I don’t want to blame my parents, but their divorce when I was 11 did have a huge impact on me. There is always some emotional and psychological damage for a child of divorce, even if the split-up is reasonably amicable. My parents didn’t marry for love or passion. They married for success and status. Consequently, I didn’t grow up seeing what love looked like between a man and a woman. I was intensely curious to discover what I’d never been allowed to see. It wasn't easy. I often felt like I’d been absent the day at school where all of this stuff had been explained, and I was forever playing catch up.

Exploring Feminine Vulnerability

I’d heard it mentioned several times before and was willing to check it out. I had started dating this woman I really liked, and a female friend of mine told us that we’d really benefit. This friend had been practicing for a while and said it had changed her life. She knew my hunger for connection, and she knew I wanted to be able to take this new relationship to the next level. “You’ve got to try this,” she said. She promised it would build intimacy and vulnerability with the woman in my life. I could see the growth in my friend’s life and relationships, and I wanted that for myself. I wanted it for my girlfriend and me as a couple. I wanted to go deeper than I’d ever been before with anyone. 

My first OM was with my girlfriend. We did the whole introduction class experience together as well. As prepared as I thought I was, and despite being with my partner, I was nervous and confused during that first OM. I didn’t know what I was doing, and maybe even more importantly, I didn’t understand what I was doing. I went through the motions to the best of my ability, trying to do what I thought was right. I half-expected my partner to stop me halfway through and say it wasn’t working, but she didn’t. When we shared afterward, I realized she hadn’t hated it after all. Quite the opposite: she was glowing. I decided that maybe I could stick it out, and in time, I began to understand and connect more and more. My girlfriend and I decided it was okay for us to OM with other people, too.

Abstract design expressing the energy of feminine connection through harmonious brushwork.

Synchronized Connection

I began to experience the connection I’d been looking for since I was young. I’d start to get tingles in my hand or my chest as I stroked a woman. For me, at least, it isn’t just the physical sensation that is so incredible; it’s the feeling of total synchronicity with another human being. Something happens in an OM that can’t happen anywhere else, at least as far as I know. All of a sudden, strokee and stroker are flowing together, bonded and connected, all because the tip of my finger is on her clitoris. From those few millimeters of skin contact, you can open up a whole new world with another person.

Feminine Connection

During an OM, there’s a unique trust present in the giving and receiving. It heals that part of me that felt shut out from the feminine and bewildered by it. Orgasmic Meditation allows me to touch the most feminine place there is respectfully and to do it without agenda. I can be trusted and know that I am trustworthy. Growing up, I could always sense a woman’s vigilance around me, and I didn’t know how to break through to connect with her. I’m not talking about deceiving her or playing a game; I just wanted to be close. In the nest, I am invited into the space I longed to be in for so long, and I can be myself there. It’s like being invited to sit beside the pool of the feminine. As a result, women are a tiny bit less of a mystery to me now.

Improved Communication

The connection I get in OM doesn’t just stay in the nest. It’s changed how I communicate. Directness and explicitness are key to the practice, and the more time you spend in OM, the easier it is to be direct with other people in a way that benefits everyone. I still catch myself on this often: this past Saturday morning, I told my partner that I was really hungry. She nodded and said, “Okay.” She just looked at me. And I laughed. I phrased it as I learned: “I’d like to get breakfast. I’m going to leave in 10 minutes.

Would you like to come, or do you want me to bring something back for you?” The old me would have hinted, hinted, and gotten “hangrier” by the minute. The courage to name what I want and the courage to hear someone else’s desire are such important tools. My partner and I are very specific together, so much so that it might seem odd to other people – but it means we don’t often run into problems of unmet expectations. 

Soft colors illustrating the nurturing connection between women and the divine feminine.

Embracing Change

I’m an IT professional, bringing the lessons I've learned from OM into my work. In my business, one of the fatal mistakes people make is getting attached to one particular way of doing things: "If it worked before, it will keep working!" But that attitude is dangerous in the tech business. It means you’re always falling behind. In Orgasmic Meditation, what often happens is that the woman you’re stroking will ask you to change it up. Without using so many words, she’s saying, What you were doing a moment ago isn’t working anymore. What you did the last time we OMed isn’t working anymore. Don’t stop stroking; stroke me differently.

Before I came to Orgasmic Meditation (OM), I would have heard that as a rebuke or rejection. It’s not a rejection; it’s an opportunity. Now, I hear it as a chance to grow and get closer. I bring that openness, flexibility, and attention to detail to my work life. It’s made me much more successful and kept me a lot less anxious. It’s about getting back into the groove and finding new grooves. There’s always so much more to discover.

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