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The Art of Soulmaking: A Path to Unconditional Freedom

by Nicole Daedone and Beth Wareham
About the Book

The Art of Soulmaking draws readers inside their own souls for the work of a lifetime. With daily practices and consciousness explorations through writing prompts and integration exercises, The Art of Soulmaking builds connection and creativity, purpose and fulfillment—the cornerstones of living inside one’s self and one’s true genius. Readers cultivate a deep intimacy with the world of their interior castle—their soul. 

First developed for a women’s prison in California, The Art of Soulmaking became a larger exploration of how we build our own prisons, as well as how we can escape them and arrive at the poet Rumi’s field; out beyond wrongdoing and rightdoing, where the soul lies down in the grass. In short, how do we, regardless of external circumstances, remain free inside?

The Art of Soulmaking invites readers to take a revolutionary journey into their own soul and walk the alchemical path to unconditional freedom. 

About the Authors

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Nicole Daedone
I specialize in following it where not many dare to tread. I want to know life biblically, the way a man knows a woman (or other configurations of such). I want to know the water by getting wet. Theory, commandments, concepts leave me empty, and not the good kind of emptiness. My driving question is, “Is that true?” Is it wholly true? Where and how is it true? For whom is it true and why? Can it withstand the test of time? Is it true for me as a woman? The last one has taken me off many a beaten path. Givens are often no longer givens when I ask this question. The world turns upside down. My two guiding principles are first, the idea that “I’ve come only for this.” Whatever is presented before me is mine to puzzle, to play, to explore and, finally, to love. Love leads me to my second guiding principle, how I explore, which is to ask, “Can I love this? Can I love even this?” Who is the “I” who is loving in this moment? What does love look like here? Does it require a peaceful approach, approval, power, some good, old-fashioned wrath? And then, what is “this?” I must leave who I believe myself to be to answer this question—to know and love what this is on its terms and not on mine. As a free woman I want all things to be free, liberated from any ideas I would impose on them. My work remains what it once and always was: to turn poison into medicine and make it available to those who want it.
Profile image for Beth Wareham
Beth Wareham
I'm a writer, editor, and publicist with a long career in the publishing industry. I've worked on numerous bestselling books, including The Joy of Cooking and Animals in Translation, and have authored three of my own—two nonfiction and one novel. I've also ghostwritten many others. After my time at Simon and Schuster, life led me on a personal journey, which brought me to Soulmaker Press as an editor and publicist, starting with co-writing The Art of Soulmaking with Nicole Daedone.