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Tumescence Relies on Scarcity

Published May, 2024

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On our way back to the Erotic mind, tumescence will give us the impression we will need to endlessly shift conditions in order to penetrate it. The buildup of that un-potentiated energy sets us off on a wild goose chase looking for the perfect conditions in order to take action. 

— But this is putting the cart before the horse. What’s needed is for us to penetrate the tumescent mind. —

Then, the conditions naturally follow. Tumescence utilizes scarcity as its primary tool—specifically, a scarcity of time.

Scarcity Mindset

It has a running voice that says there is not enough time to “sink in,” “relax,” or deliberately “enter” the present moment. It spends whatever time we have doing one of two things: thinking anxiously about a deadline, or gripping tightly to the goal of completion, anticipating the moment it can check a given activity off our to-do list.

Goal Fixation

That seeking of checking off the to-do list is equivalent to the seeking of climax in the physical realm. 

— It robs us of everything we experience in the process, from the starting point until the check mark is made. —

Most importantly, it robs us of excellence, which falls by the wayside of our narrow, fixated attention.

Fear-Based Thinking

Tumescence maintains its grip by presenting every worst-case scenario, bolstering fearful action and thought by focusing the mind on what is not right or perfect. The situation becomes so uncomfortable, we rush through it without attending to the practice of excellence—the natural byproduct of operating from the Erotic mind of intuition and wisdom.

— The result will invariably be disappointing as it falls short of our capacity. —

We will view ourselves as having failed to some degree, thus confirming our fears and sowing the seeds for the cycle to begin all over again.

Buy The Sutras Vol. 1 Here

Related Sutras:

Sutra 67 | Defining Tumescence

Sutra 68 | Mechanics Of Tumescence

Sutra 71 | Perfectionism Takes Over the Tumescent Mind

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