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OM Stories
OM Stories
The experiences of Orgasmic Meditation

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My Quest to Feel All My Feelings Deeply My Quest to Feel All My Feelings Deeply
by Chris
OM Helped Me Feel My Feelings And Improve My Relationships, Especially With My Daughter. Learn How OM Can Change Your Life.
How OM Connected Me to My Body How OM Connected Me to My Body
by Candice Moore
My Body Buzzes With Electricity After OMing, Allowing Me To Be Aware Of It In A New Way - Like Another World Has Opened Up.
From Transactions to True Connections From Transactions to True Connections
by Joe Rabinowitz
Connection Is A Vital Nutrient That Allows Us To Flourish, And OM Helped Me Discover True Connection Beyond Transactions.
Finding My "Yes" Via The OM Practice Finding My "Yes" Via The OM Practice
by Rosana Byrne
The OM Practice Has Helped Me Learn To Ask For What I Want In A Clear And Clean Way.
How OM Built My Confidence with Women How OM Built My Confidence with Women
by Christopher Recker
Orgasmic Meditation Has The Potential To Teach Men How To Be Confident With Women Without The Pressure Of Romance Or Sex.
Discovering My Body's Wisdom with OM Discovering My Body's Wisdom with OM
by Chris Howard
Through OM, I Discovered My Body's Potential For Pleasure And Presence. This Simple Practice Has Been Transformative In My Life.