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Orgasmic Meditation: Vulnerability as a Catalyst for Change

By Published: December, 2023

Abstract strokes illustrating meditation for vulnerability and emotional depth

Pursuing my Orgasmic Meditation practice was one of the best decisions of my life. It has improved my life and relationships and radically altered my perception of the world. OM - Orgasmic Meditation allowed me to remove the armor and conditioning that kept me closed off, unconnected, and constantly terrified of vulnerability. I discovered my feminine side through OM and learned to be led by it. Now, my life is more in line with my wants and desires. 

Early Social Struggles

I grew up in Seattle. Sometimes, I struggled socially, and I often adapted to be more like the scenario I was in. I spent most of my life trying to fit in, be cool, or appear a certain way. I’m a naturally cocky person, yet terrified of the prospect of vulnerability. I tend to isolate myself, and I struggle with even the idea of naming my deepest desires. On top of that, I am constantly nervous – always in a panic, always in my head. 

So that’s how I was when I moved to LA. I knew many of my friends had benefitted from (OM) Orgasmic Meditation, so I called one of them. She said she had done a complete 180 in how she related to men and that her relationships were on fire. She told me I should try OM if I were serious about changing my relationships and how I related to women.

Abstract brushwork representing self healing meditation with warm hues

My First Orgasmic Meditation

Then she came over to my house to show me how to OM in person. I was terrified the entire time. I had no idea what I was doing and was embarrassed to look inept. I wouldn't say I liked it at all—any of it—and I remember thinking that 15 minutes was way too long to commit to being intimate and vulnerable. 

But I stuck with the practice and have been OMing for a few years. It’s the inherent vulnerability of the situation – I’m still uncomfortable with it, and it scares me. But sometimes, it’s important to have the crap scared out of you. I love the community, the philosophy, and the learning process more than I enjoy the actual OM. But I know it’s good for me. It makes me a better person; it gives me insight into people and the world and access to more connections. 

Because when you can throw yourself into a situation like that – intimately stroking a woman you’ve never met for 15 minutes straight, you can do anything. You can march into your boss’s office and ask for a raise. You can lead a team. You can tell people difficult truths – including things you might have kept hidden. You can be honest about your own desires. 

Embracing the Body's Wisdom

I’ve been connecting more with my body lately. I’ve shed a lot of the armor and conditioning that’s been weighing me down. I’ve been learning to let my body lead, recognize the domain of my body and feminine side, and give them prominence. This gives me great confidence and courage and allows me to confront situations head-on that I would have previously avoided.

Learning to just be in my own body is helping me connect with my truths. It’s surprising sometimes what comes out. Recently, I argued with my dad; he was baiting me and deliberately antagonizing me. Before, I might have given into my codependence and stayed in that negative scenario, trying to talk it out. But in this case, my truth was getting angry, yelling at him, and storming off. And it worked; it was the right thing to do.

Abstract composition illustrating inner peace meditation with gentle, soft tones

Improved Relationships

OM—Orgasmic Meditation has also improved my relationships with women and allowed me to be much more open, honest, and vulnerable. When I first moved to LA, I found I was successful in generating business opportunities but not so successful in my relationships with women. I treated relationships like fast food, moving from one to the next without truly connecting or stirring desire. But now, my attention has increased 100-fold, and I finally can have the relationships I want.

Vulnerability & Connection In OM

Orgasmic Meditation is a practice that brings me into situations of vulnerability and connection – and honestly, these things still terrify me. I’m still learning and know I have a long way to go. OM’s not an instant, magic solution. It’s a growth path that takes time and commitment. But since committing to Orgasmic Meditation, my life has become immeasurably better. I am doing what I want to be doing and making the choices I want to make, and OM is the backbone of it all. Since starting OM - Orgasmic Meditation, I’ve grown so much and see the world so differently that I honestly think I’ve found the secret to life.

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