I don’t know any other way to say it: before OM—Orgasmic Meditation, I was a hot mess. I had a lot of energy and intense passion in my body, but I didn’t understand it or know how to manage it. As a result, I was very self-destructive. I had three jobs, was getting my Master’s degree, and was investing too much in other people. I was not sleeping. I was cutting myself and fundamentally suicidal. I was online if I wasn’t at work, school, or in bed. I pursued my Master’s in counseling because I didn’t know what else to do. Then, I became a personal trainer and a massage therapist. And all the while, I was still going out and partying. I had no sense of self, calm, or peace… and then I got pregnant by a man that I barely knew.
Getting pregnant was the first step in actually getting “sober.” I stopped drinking and devoted my life to my child. But once I was off the hook of being pregnant and breastfeeding, I thought, “Oh, great! I’m free again—kind of.” So, I started drinking heavily again. But deep down, I knew something was very wrong. I was raised super Catholic, and I was deeply spiritual. I loved God. And the part of me that loved God was screaming.
As a young woman, I stopped going to church because I couldn’t deal with the guilt I felt. I felt amazingly connected to God and nature when I would feel in my body. But all the Church’s rules said I was going to go to hell for all the rules I broke. The Church’s rules just did not align with the truth I was experiencing. The guilt and the shame were awful. So, I left the Church and started my spiritual quest.
One day, I saw an OM flyer. I registered for a class to learn more, where I saw my first demonstration of Orgasmic Meditation. At that moment, while witnessing the demo, I saw all the energy driving me crazy channeled somewhere. Not only that, but I could feel what was happening. The sensation in my body felt very similar to the sensation I felt when I was in front of the Eucharist in a church. That bliss was taking over my whole body… confirming what I already unconsciously knew inside of me: feeling my body was sacred. My body and the sensations that came from it carried a certain wisdom. And I had demonized it.
I was rendered speechless. I couldn’t even talk afterward. Suddenly, I felt like I had the permission to explore what I’d been longing to explore all along—my sacred self. As a Latina, I had always felt stereotyped as very passionate, and I embodied that. I knew I was "hot," and I used it. But when I started practicing Orgasmic Meditation, all the casual lovers left my life. I didn’t date a man for six months because my OMing experience was deep. I became more discerning about who I let interact with me and my body.
I say this so humbly because, before Orgasmic Meditation, I didn’t value myself. I was just throwing myself around. Now, I value myself and my body differently. My sense of quality and people has increased. I’m so sensitive to other people’s energy that I can read where they are.
And some I want to be around, and others I don’t. The goalless practice of Orgasmic Meditation has taught me that when sensations increase, instead of reaching, instead of striving for something explosive, I widen. I expand. I direct the energy and use the energy in my body to connect to my spirituality and my body.
I realize that I used to be so scared of my feminine potential. The Church demonized it, and so, for the longest time, I did, too. Now, I have learned to embody it fully. I embody what it means to be the woman I am, and I can use that. I’m no longer interested in temporary pleasure and temporary gratification. It’s fine. But OM has opened the door to a place that’s so much deeper. Orgasmic Meditation has brought me to a place where I’m devoted to something bigger than myself.