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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

From Shame to Spiritual Freedom: My Orgasmic Meditation Story

By Published: December, 2023

Soft blend of green and pink hues representing a serene meditation experience.

I was in my early 40s when I first came to Orgasmic Meditation (OM) a decade ago. I had more than 20 years of experience with various traditions and modalities; I’d been meditating since I was a teen. I grew up in Peru, in a deeply Catholic and repressed society. (I’m not condemning Catholicism, just the lived experience of it for myself and my family and so many others like us). I got tired of my own shame and fear early in life, and I started looking for other ways to live.

Spiritual Practice Without Rigidity

I’ve found the trailheads to the most important spiritual paths through friends' recommendations. If you are open to hearing suggestions and direction and have people in your life who know you, they will guide you to the places you need to go at the exact time you need. The key is being open, and I was open when a good friend told me about the Orgasmic Meditation practice and why she thought it would be good for me.

The first thing I think when I enter a new community is, why are these people here?  What’s the key to their practice?  What do they seem to be receiving? I knew it was important to go into Orgasmic Meditation with an open mind, a blank slate. I wasn’t there to impose any past knowledge or start teaching anything. I was instantly struck by the diversity of the people in the room.  I don’t just mean ethnic backgrounds – I mean the variation in ages and walks of life.  Whatever was here was pulling in people from everywhere.  The next thing I noticed was that the community was down-to-earth and accessible, which is very beautiful to me; too many paths are so esoteric and ritualized that they are forbidding and stern.  There was none of that rigidity in Orgasmic Meditation.

Abstract art with muted tones representing a journey into spiritual transformation

Responsibility vs. Perfection

A lifetime of spiritual training didn’t make my first OM any less intimidating. Perhaps it made it more so, as I could sense the energy and the implications. I was sweating like crazy, and the woman I was OMing with was trembling; it was also her first time. I kept thinking I must be doing this wrong. It felt strange and uncomfortable. Life has taught me that a lot of good things come if you push through the strange and the uncomfortable. As I kept OMing, I did not care if I was doing it right or wrong. I was focused on the energy and the importance of being present for the experience.  I wasn’t responsible for the results; I had the responsibility to show up. 

Finding Spiritual Connection

What struck me is that this Orgasmic Meditation (OM) practice was radically different from anything else I had done.  So many meditative and prayer practices are solitary. Orgasmic Meditation is all about the connection that two people can generate, and one must be a woman. We can only tap into energy if we share it; there’s no way for anyone to OM on their own, and I found that fascinating.  We’re all responsible for our own growth, and yes, you have to do a lot of this work of life on your own.  Sometimes, though, you need to do it in community. There’s a limit to what we can achieve entirely alone, and OM showed me that with another person, there was a whole new level waiting to be found.

As a boy in Peru, I remember learning that prayer is work.  Most of the old people whom I respected went to church every day. You might get a miracle if you went once, but you were more likely to get it if you went 1000 times. I’m not a Catholic anymore, but I’ve learned that any spiritual practice requires devotion, at least for a season.  So, I OMed every day for months, knowing that the lasting results and conclusions would only come if I went all in.

Abstract green and purple hues symbolizing the deep connection in meditation.

Confidence in Relationships

Orgasmic Meditation changed my attitude towards relationships. The more I practiced, the more it became clear that OM is about getting somewhere above sexuality itself.  It’s about doing the conscious work to get to a very high plane where two egos, two unique identities, can connect on an incredibly profound level.  It doesn’t depend on romance, fate, or chemistry – it’s a technique that gets you there and allows the residue of your work to change the rest of your life.

The significant change for me was confidence in my relationships with others. Those who know me might be surprised to hear me say I’m outgoing and friendly.  I already seemed confident. OM - Orgasmic Meditation took that ability to connect to the next level.  It made it easier for me to grow close to both men and women.  That’s the lasting legacy of Orgasmic Meditation in my life; I can seek out and find deeper friendships than I could before.  And in this life, there’s not much more precious than that.

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My Path to Spirituality & Intimacy
OM Became A Spiritual Practice For Me, Helping Connect With My Feminine Side And Experience Profound Unity In Relationships.

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