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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

My Journey: From Unspoken Shame to Orgasmic Meditation

By Published: December, 2023

Flowing textures in blue tones representing self-awareness and balance through meditation.

The only place I could be honest about my desires was in consuming porn. I’d go home, get drunk, open up my computer, and go to town. I spent hours on end for 15 years like this. I tried to tell a couple of my friends about some of my fantasies, but I felt so much shame that I only let them see five percent of what I was really into. It was the same with women. I’d only show them a few percent of what my desires were. 

Unspoken Shame

I grew up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh with very conservative parents. They would kiss each other, but they never talked about sex. So, I grew up with a lot of shame around it. I started to have fantasies when I was 11, but I didn’t feel I could talk to anyone about them. That’s when it all began: the feeling I had to keep everything private. I thought no woman could give me what I needed when I got older. I always had one foot in and one foot out of my relationships. I was terrified to talk to women, and I’d usually get into a relationship just because some woman was attracted to me. I was always looking around to see what other women I could get. 

I moved back to my hometown of Pittsburgh. It was one of the lowest points of my life regarding connection with people. I kept getting rejected. I’d call my best friend in San Francisco, and he’d tell me about this Orgasmic Meditation (OM) practice he was doing that involved stroking a woman’s genitals. Every time I spoke to him, he would be happier and happier. Meanwhile, I was just getting worse and worse.

Discovering Orgasmic Meditation

Eventually, I learned to OM. During my first Orgasmic Meditation, I felt nervous and excited. I don’t remember many sensations. I was pretty much in my head. When I first started practicing Orgasmic Meditation, I only did light strokes. I’d heard that’s the way you were supposed to do it. When a woman asked for more pressure, I said, “Hey, I think you’re doing it wrong. It’s supposed to be a light stroke.” But more women started asking for more pressure, so I gave it once and noticed it turned me on. There was a lot of electricity and sensation in my body. The shame bubble popped at that moment. I realized that the same thing had been happening in my sex, in my relationship to my desire. I’d been holding back. It was the first time I realized that more could come out than just the nice, polite guy. There’s a dirtier, darker part of me, too.

Softly blended blue strokes symbolizing the journey of healing and acceptance in meditation

Authentic Communication

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about finances with my wife. She said she wanted me to slow down, and I kept trying to take her adjustment and speak more slowly and deliberately the way she asked. I felt myself becoming more cautious and conservative in the conversation. Then I was like, ‘Whoa, hang on. That’s not who I am. I’m a little bit more outspoken. I get excited.’ I took all the layers off of who I thought I should be and just assertively said: “This is what I’m going to do.” 

As soon as I said it that way, she opened up, and there was more connection at that moment. Before, I would have tried to explain myself rationally. We would have gotten into this deadlock where we’d both try to be right. There’s no fun in that. I like the part at the end of the OM—Orgasmic Meditation where we say a frame of a moment where we felt something. It’s the time we get to bring words to a visceral experience. It’s helped me pay attention to specific things I’m feeling. It’s helped me expand my ability to feel. At first, it was hard. I didn’t know what I felt. Eventually, I started to notice buzzing in different parts of my body, my body temperature changed, and I experienced stillness. It surprised me that I could feel stillness.

Shame-Free Body Wisdom

I still have access to my sensations when I'm out and about. For example, when I’m having a conversation with a coworker, my belly clenches, indicating that I need to slow down or tread lightly. When something opens and tingles in my body, it usually suggests I’m headed in a direction I can trust. My brain doesn’t always give the best advice, but it keeps me on a pretty good track when I follow what my body says.

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