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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Orgasmic Meditation: My Journey to Sexual Sovereignty

By Published: December, 2023

Abstract art with layered blue strokes symbolizing mindfulness and balance through sexual meditation.

I was raised in a normal middle-class family and had a happy childhood. The only different thing was that I had a biracial upbringing. My mom is Black, and my dad is White—which presents a very labyrinthine puzzle of identities. My parents weren't perfect, but they did a great job. My dad was Christian, but my mom had been raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and wanted nothing to do with organized religion. When she came out as gay, my parents got divorced. I don’t think my dad has recovered from that.

Adolescent Struggles

I never endured any real hardships in life, nor did I experience any ultra-high highs. In Catholic school, I felt like I was in the middle of the road. I was the second-best basketball player on the team and wasn’t in all the most advanced classes like my friends were. I tried hard to achieve, but I was never the best at anything, which made me sad in high school. Looking back, I can see this gave me the sense that I couldn't have what I wanted, and that thought seeded itself throughout my relationships. To compensate, I played the role of an atheist tough punk and pretended to thumb my nose at the Church’s antiquated ideas, even though the whole time, I did believe in God. I was always chasing the idea of the perfect something—the perfect relationship, the perfect party, having the perfect job. But when I left school, I got a job in retail and was never super "on fire" about anything. 

Unfulfilled Sexual Needs

In relationships with both men and women, I was dissatisfied with sex and life in general. Before I started practicing Orgasmic Meditation, most of the guys I dated were emotionally unavailable and incapable of meeting any of my needs. For example, I’d been attracted to this musician for years, and when we finally hooked up, I became obsessed. I’d text and text and hang out in the lobby of his hotel and hope that he’d ask me up, offering massages, anything to get in the door. I remember feeling almost sick with a yearning to have him pay me the attention I wanted and needed so badly, hoping for nourishment. But I never got it.

Abstract art blending light and dark blue tones to represent harmony and connection in sexual meditation.

Sexual Empowerment

I came to Orgasmic Meditation by reading the book Slow Sex. I remember the idea of focusing on the feeling of sex instead of just the theater of it was a revolutionary concept for me. I was interested in what that might look like in my life. I was also experiencing pain during sex and thought maybe Orgasmic Meditation would magically heal me. 

About six months after reading the book, I finally attended an event and took an introductory class later that month. I didn't have any crazy, explosive experiences during my first few OMs. For me, the most profound part was simply getting in the nest. Being in the nest was like a declaration that I was okay with my body. To let someone see me like that and have that level of intimacy, I had to be okay with my body. It was an experience of ownership of my own body that I had never come close to before. And that was powerful for me.

During my first OMs, I remember feeling a lot of sensations but being surprised by how hard it was to tell where those sensations were coming from. Frankly, I just couldn't tell what sensation was going on where. And I found it fascinating that I lacked specificity and clarity about my ability to feel. Also, I would feel this super-hot sensation in the soles of my feet. They would feel like they were on fire for the whole OM. And though it wasn’t a sensation I wanted, and I didn’t enjoy it, I learned to accept it. I thought it was amazing what was happening in my body.

Sustained Partner Connection

One part of the practice of Orgasmic Meditation that I gained a lot of power from was learning to ask for adjustments in how my partner was stroking me. Asking for adjustments—lighter, slower, faster, a little to the left, a little lower—is explicitly part of the practice of Orgasmic Meditation, so I didn't feel like I had to hold back my desire or manage my partner's feelings. I learned to stay connected to my desire and ask for it in places I might have otherwise shied away. I gained sovereignty over my own desires. I let go of my expectations of having the perfect OM and needing to be liked by the stroker.

I also learned to strive for a sustained feeling of connection versus striving for any specific goal to happen. And this has shifted things for me in my relationships. In the past, I wanted a relationship to look a certain way, feel a certain way, and be a certain thing. One thing about Orgasmic Meditation that's been so wonderful is it has taught me to make space for the possibility of the unknown. For example, my current relationship is with a woman who has been supportive, connected, open, and available to me. And yet she’s thinking about moving. I’ve realized that has nothing to do with me, and I am staying open to seeing what unfolds rather than automatically feeling rejected.

Textured brushwork reflecting energy and mindfulness achieved through sexual meditation techniques

Self-Sufficiency, Trust, and Growth

I used to feel such a wrenching desperation to get what I needed, and I felt trapped in that dynamic. Now, there's just no agonizing over things anymore. I can ask for the things I want, lean in to have that experience, and trust that it will be great. Even when it feels intense, I can trust myself and know it will be okay. I can say what I need. I know that I have my own back.

I’ve started to trust myself, enabling me to examine my character defects and the places where I create problems for myself, including how I relate to others. Instead of holding my old needy identity together, I’ve started to loosen up and look deeply at things, such as, “Where am I vindictive? Where am I controlling? Where am I selfish and manipulative instead of just asking for what I want?”

Finding Support in Community

I’ve also entered a process of sobriety that has led me to the conclusion that I do believe in a higher power like I used to as a kid. I can honestly say that Orgasmic Meditation led me to Christianity. My old identity and tough exterior got stripped away enough that I could finally admit there's something there, a love that goes far beyond any potential human limitation. And that has led me back into the church, social justice work, and trying to benefit my community. I've asked for help and found a whole community to back me. I don't need to pretend to be a tough guy; I have the support to overcome the obstacles in my path.

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