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Orgasmic Meditation: Healing My Relationship with Men

Published December, 2023
by Lorraine

I hit my bottom in a mine. I like telling people that. I’ve been a miner for most of my adult life, and I’m 39 – so I have more experience than most people with going deep. I’m still in the mining business, but I’ve learned to find other depths.

Life Before Orgasmic Meditation

My life wasn’t a disaster before Orgasmic Meditation (OM). Rather, it was like a series of small and exhausting frustrations that had left me tired and burned out. It wasn’t just that I had grown tired of mining, though I had. I had always been among the few women who went below ground, but the novelty had worn off. The sexism that used to rile me up had just ground me down. And I felt this utter lack of interest in every other area of my life. I didn’t care about my friends and grew more distant from my family.

I had been separated from my boyfriend for over three years. I had thought I was going to marry him. We had already picked out names for our children and looked at houses we might want to live in once we were settled. That break-up threw me for a loop, leaving me struggling to connect with new people.

I remember this very attractive guy asking me out—he was strikingly handsome and younger than me. I’d never gone out with a younger man, always preferring older guys. I turned this boy down, and he got all flustered. I then promptly said yes to the next guy who asked me out, someone I was much less attracted to. I had this pattern of ruminating over missed opportunities. I wanted an intimate connection most, but I was bad at getting it.

Father's Influence

I realized I carried my dad around a lot before coming to OM. My father is older and a very particular kind of conservative, macho Australian man. He and I had never gotten along; we used my mother as a go-between when I was a teen. Dad would tell her what to tell me rather than doing it himself. He wanted me to accept that it was a man’s world and let men lead me. I’d gone into mining, at least in part, to prove him wrong. When something would end up going poorly with a guy I was trying to date, I’d hear my dad’s voice saying that it was predictable that it would end up in disaster. What did I expect, trying to lead?

It was after one of these frustrating experiences that I found Orgasmic Meditation. I found it on an internet search, literally looking for almost anything to do with the female orgasm. I was curious and read as much as I could about the practice. Eventually, I tried it with a guy I was dating. Honestly, it wasn’t very good because we had no proper training, and we kept thinking of it as a kind of foreplay. I figured out that this wasn’t the ideal partner for me, so I kept looking until I could connect with some active OM practitioners in Australia.

Mediocre to Marvelous

I took a workshop and tried again. Orgasmic Meditation with some formal training made all the difference. The first time I OMed with someone other than the guy I’d been dating, my partner struck me as this shy, immature young man. I was very doubtful I’d be able to feel anything. We had no chemistry I could see, and I was already wary after having had such a mediocre experience. To put it simply, it was amazing. I wasn’t expecting the sensation of a lifetime, but that’s what I got.

It wasn’t just the OM. I felt like I was on fire, not so much in my genitals but in my arm and then my chest. It felt like they were burning, not painfully or unpleasantly, but rather in this wonderful way I’d never imagined. You know that heat you get in your chest when you’re angry and you must get something out? It was like that, except there was no rage, just this fullness, fire, and joy. I realized that this was about so much more than sex. If I couldn’t connect with someone I was attracted to and have this incredible experience with a man who didn’t interest me? Then, there must be so much more possible than I had imagined. And I wanted more. I still want more. 

It’s because of what I’ve experienced in Orgasmic Meditation that I now have a plan to get out of the mines. I am studying something called spinal flow. It’s a healing technique that works on energetic principles, and many of those principles are rooted in the same truths as OM. I don’t know where it will take me, but I know I’m excited about something new. I’m curious, I’m open, and I’m eager to learn more and experience more. Compared to the bored and cynical me of just a few years ago, that’s a huge shift.

Healing Relationship with Men

Even though I look forward to leaving the mining industry someday, Orgasmic Meditation has made even this difficult work easier. I’m putting out a different energy, and my co-workers can sense it even if they have no idea what caused it. I’m asking for leadership roles and getting them – and being treated with more consideration than ever before.

No, I haven’t healed the rift with my father. I’m not sure I ever will. I have, however, done a lot of healing with other men in my life, including the men I know below the ground. I like them, respect them, and feel their respect in return. That’s so much more, and so much better, than I could have ever expected.

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