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From Conformity to Confidence: My Orgasmic Meditation Story

Published December, 2023
by Andreas

When I discovered Orgasmic Meditation (OM), I had been married for nearly ten years, had a good position as a web developer, and—aside from some stress from my job—I was comfortable. I was too comfortable living this 9-to-5 life. OM opened my eyes to a new way of being in the world. 

Living a Life of Conforming

Until then, I had lived a life of compliance. I grew up in a house with a very strict European mother and a very lenient South American father, so the rules were confusing. I didn’t know the right way to behave. To deal with this confusion, I chose just to be compliant about everything. An acquaintance told me about OM, a practice that helps you focus on your goals. 

I went into my first Orgasmic Meditation with trepidation. The noticing step felt awkward at first--neutrally describing someone’s intimate parts, but I kept going with OM. The practice of noticing and being in the moment helped me rediscover the little details in life—like the taste of my morning coffee and the colors around me. Everything was more vivid. I was also getting in touch with my intuition. I’ve always been very logical, and I started doing things that felt right, even if they didn’t make logical sense.

I quit my job. The comfort of my regular job made me numb, and I realized I wanted more in my life. My wife didn’t support me quitting my job—she liked me being logical and compliant. She didn’t understand why I would leave the stability. Eventually, we separated, and I backpacked through Europe. For the first time in my life, I followed what I wanted. 

New Confidence

When I returned to Canada, I applied for a job related to my previous work in the computer sciences field even though I did not have specific experience for the role. I went to the first interview confidently. I credit that to my Orgasmic Meditation practice and the direct feedback I get while stroking. This feedback taught me how to read people and situations, removing the doubt plaguing me. I was hired, nearly doubling my former salary. I started a business on the side as well. I feel fulfilled by my work, and there is room for adventure and surprise.

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