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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Orgasmic Meditation: A Path to Personal Freedom and Creativity

By Published: December, 2023

Abstract pastel strokes blend harmoniously, capturing the serenity and openness of freedom meditation sessions.

When I discovered Orgasmic Meditation in my late 30s, I was reassessing different areas of my life. I was doing well in my career and making good money, but everything revolved around my work. I was a psychiatrist living in Philadelphia, and most of my friends had started moving out and moving on to other things. I didn’t have a partner at the time. I started to wonder if there was something else out there for me.

Drive for Freedom

I immigrated to the U.S. from Germany when I was 27, with the intention of furthering my medical education. My father was a psychiatrist, so the field was familiar to me. I also enjoyed being a psychological detective, figuring out what was happening with people and helping them change their lives. I was also drawn to working with patients who had severe mental illness or psychosis. I admired and still do admire people who are extremely out of touch with reality. I adore them because, to me, they are free.

The drive toward freedom has always been a theme in my life. As a child, it was hard for me to find true freedom because freedom was very much connected with having support or money from a parental figure, such as Mom or Dad or some other authority figure. Sometimes, it's the government that can support you. Even though I'm a freedom fighter, I haven't always had the freedom I crave.

As I was reevaluating my life, I found that I was not necessarily happy in many areas, including my relationships. I had dated when I was younger, and I had even been married before I moved to the U.S. But I have not had any serious dating lately. I loved my friends, but that was not enough to keep me in Philadelphia and to keep me going on that same path. I felt I needed to take a risk to change my life. And I was not sure what kind of risk that would be. 

Serene abstract painting in soft greens and peach, evoking meditation for freedom and inner peace.

Seeking Connection

I heard about OM (Orgasmic Meditation) at a talk in Philadelphia. I thought it sounded interesting, so I decided to try it. My first OM was not particularly interesting or sensational. However, after the OM, I noticed that something changed. A few days later, I felt I had somehow broken through a boundary. I noticed it in simple things, like the brighter and more intense colors. This was interesting but also a little bit scary for me. It wasn’t until a month later that I decided to try it again. 

I went back to Orgasmic Meditation because—even though I wasn’t looking to go on a date, impress someone, or have sex—I did feel ready to be touched, felt, and seen. I also wanted to feel better. After that one 15-minute OM, I noticed something had changed in my brain and body. I had more energy and stimulation in my body, which lasted surprisingly long after the OM (Orgasmic Meditation).

As I continued to OM, I started opening up and noticed a magnetic type of energy in my body. I loved that feeling, which was something that other stimulants, like coffee or food or even sex, cannot provide. I didn't feel dragged down by stress, so I could feel more of myself and be more myself. I didn’t have to be that person who is stressed out, tired, confused, or who allows these types of feelings to turn into fear. I felt more authentic.

Freedom to Feel

My favorite step in Orgasmic Meditation is grounding. When you first connect with somebody, you might feel a little bit on edge, especially if you’ve rushed there from another activity. Grounding before an OM helps me develop trust in that moment and that partner. It helps me feel ready to receive.

Subtle blend of natural colors suggesting a peaceful atmosphere, ideal for reflecting on freedom through meditation.

The freedom of OMing comes from not feeling like I have to please a guy or keep up a good relationship to avoid losing him. I don’t have to feel insecure about a man getting bored of me. I just allow myself to be in that connection. Sometimes, I ask for adjustments, and sometimes I just enjoy my feelings. I don’t need to change anything. It makes me feel more free and more independent, without the strings of a relationship. 

When I started OMing, I didn’t think that was the risk I needed to take in my life. But Orgasmic Meditation helped me break through certain patterns and gave me insight into how to see things differently. I’ve made many other changes in my life and taken risks in other ways, too. I moved to San Francisco and then to Florida, where I am now. I bought a house, which was really important to me. Now, I'm taking steps to become more creative in my business and my life.

Creative Growth

Prior to Orgasmic Meditation, I wasn't as creative as I wanted to be. I’m still working on being more vulnerable and trying to practice these things through acting classes. This is difficult for me because when you act, you have to work with emotions that you’d rather not express, like desperation, sadness, or grief. I understand that I'm playing a character, so it’s not necessarily my emotion, but it's still my own persona that's playing this character. And you have to trust that other people will not judge or make fun of you.

I'm more comfortable pretending that I'm bored, that I don't care, or that it doesn't matter to me—when it actually does matter to me, and I care very much. So, I don't want to force myself, but I am working on becoming a little bit more vulnerable. 

Trust & Freedom

If I hadn’t practiced Orgasmic Meditation, I wouldn't have been brave enough to sign up for an acting class. I might have signed up for a language class to hide in a roomful of people. I wouldn't step out and try to be somebody who can be seen. Orgasmic Meditation gives you more courage than you can imagine you ever had. You feel more trust in yourself to succeed and realize it’s okay if things don’t work out right away. It gives you the trust and the freedom just to keep trying.

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