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Finding Empathy and Connection through Orgasmic Meditation

Published December, 2023
by Laurentz

I didn't have any if you asked me about my spiritual beliefs and practices a few years ago. I studied different religious and spiritual beliefs in school. But I’m much more of an earthy, grounded type of person. I grew up an Army brat with both parents in the service and became a science and math teacher when I became an adult. I’ve been all about what I can quantify, what I can touch, and what I can measure. I cared a lot for the kids I taught but wouldn’t necessarily call myself empathetic.

Discovering Orgasmic Meditation

Right after I retired from teaching, I visited my lifelong friend Charles in California, and he introduced me to Orgasmic Meditation (OM). Our friendship is built on deep trust, so I was ready to try it at his recommendation. My wife, Jennifer, the kids and I lived in Ohio then. Although I introduced Jennifer to the concept and showed her many websites, she just didn’t have any interest in it. But she supported me in the things that interested me and didn’t feel threatened by them, so I started flying back and forth from Cleveland to LA, taking classes to learn more about OM and building my practice.

My Learning Curve

I enjoyed the practice so much that I told everyone I knew about it. At first, my friends who didn’t OM would question me. “Why would you want to do this?” they’d ask. “What do you get out of it?” In the beginning, I didn’t know how to respond to that. I knew something was coming, but I didn’t know what exactly.

My first OM was awkward. Getting into position and doing all the steps in the right order was a lot to remember while also focusing my attention on feeling whatever was going on in my body. It was with a woman practicing Orgasmic Meditation for a while. She was very supportive; she understood I was new at this and still learning. I could feel her body respond while I was stroking, and I liked the feeling of sitting inside the reception of a woman in the OM.

Empathy & Orgasmic Meditation

Orgasmic Meditation also connects me to my younger self, who was open and curious, exploring beliefs and things that can't be seen and trying new things. Six months into my practice, I realized I could feel my partner's feelings. This was the first time I experienced limbic resonance and empathy. We are connected in a way I didn’t know was possible.

Orgasmic Meditation is increasing my sensitivity to all kinds of things. Overall, I’m just becoming a better person. When I'm talking to people, I'm much more into listening. I'm much more patient. I used to be the person who would argue and have to get my point across and be heard. But I'm not like that anymore. I'm listening. I'm feeling and looking out for the other person.

A Gateway to Empathy

Right now, I’m taking care of my mom, who is 88. The new empathic skills I’ve been learning and patience and openness have made it much easier for us to be around each other in what otherwise would have been a trying situation. I'm straddling the line of empowering her to have autonomy while taking care of her needs and my own. The OM practice has been a gift to me and everyone I’m around. I have found it to be a true gateway to empathy.

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