There is a lot of talk about women's power but what does that really mean? What stories would women have to let go of, and what responsibility would we have to take, to really claim our power?
This is a challenging path. Waking up to your Erotic self requires immense personal responsibility, courage to be who you are in a world that would collude to keep you small, and a boldness to extend far past your comfort zone. The idea we have of ourselves is always smaller than the reality of who we are, so if we are to become expressed in our lives, our identity must undergo some big shifts. This course poses many questions that you get to weigh and consider for yourself, and proposes new ideas around womanhood and Erotic womanhood, that begin to shift your identity.
We need a new paradigm of Woman that makes the previous one obsolete, one in which women know their value deeply and wield their power skillfully. There is no greater joy than a woman radiating her power out into the world.