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Art of Addiction

Reframe the journey of addiction as the beautiful, soulful path that it is
3 Ratings • 3 Reviews
3 Ratings • 3 Reviews

Recent Reviews

Profile image for Kate
Kate W.
11 months

I have been personally affected by addiction and experienced it with those closest to me, so I went into this module, hoping to learn something new other than the old rhetoric of the addict as ‘the problem’ in the family. The material was so refreshing, a completely different take. Total absence of blame and shame. It left me feeling hopeful and revitalised. I particularly loved the reimagining of the addict as a highly creative, resourceful person. Really loving, compassionate facilitation. Highly recommend. Look forward to module two.

Profile image for Lissa
Lissa A.
11 months

Not only do I work in the field of addiction medicine but I also consider myself a person in recovery. This program helped me unravel some places I was still beating myself up and making myself wrong for my previous actions and choices. Coming from a 12 step model of recovery, the Art of Addiction program propelled me one step further into my healing, add more humor, joy, and forgiveness to myself and others. There’s a lighter feeling to my being and for sure way more self forgiveness, love, and acceptance. It’s refreshing to be with a group of students who are willing to share probably some of the deepest and darkest parts of ourselves in a space that feels so safe warm and inviting. Even when I wasn't sharing but just actively listening, the connectedness of the group and teacher was deeply healing just being in the room. Highly recommend you take this program if you’d like a different perspective on addiction.

Lucy E.
4 months

The Eros platform is literally food for my soul. I always leave any program I listen to feeling nourished, grateful, turned on and expanded. Looking at the world through an Eros inspired philosophy is paradigms shifting. For me personally, The Art of Addiction program has giving me a whole new perspective on addiction. which has allowed me to look at my addictions and at myself in a completly different way. A way that opens up space for approval, inquiry and, oddly enough, excitement for my journey through, what I can now see as, the gift of my addiction. I no longer feel trapped by my addictions. I feel like I am being liberated because of them.