From the point of view of the old guard, it appears as if men are here to work and produce in the material dimension for a woman. From the Erotic point of view, it is clear that what the masculine is here to produce is not a shelter for her to be safe inside of, but the expression of her deepest desires. Those in the commerce-based masculine mind get fixated on producing materially, assuming love will come in return for production. But the material will never produce love, only approval or criticism.
He is left in a state of addiction, constantly working for the approval, which even when given is still finite and must continuously be given in place of the Erotic radiance he yearns for, the radiance that is always the result of experiencing the expression of her desire in the world.
A man in search of true illumination must first learn the language of the feminine, and then understand how he can enter into it, receive instruction, and create from there. His challenge is he is only moved to the depth of the biological imperative, and biology neither awakens nor gratified.
The other issue is that in order to access her true desire, he will come face-to-face with the truth of her power. His work is to do whatever is necessary inside of himself to stroke the power both have spent eons repressing. Because neither can be gratified until her power drives the desire that will then draw him to produce. This is what will draw him into his potency.
The old guard man's primary complaint is that woman is ungratifiable. Yet, she is absolutely and beyond question gratifiable, when men are able and willing to apprehend the depth of what will gratify her. To offer woman the best that money can buy, conditioning can fulfill, or love can offer, is only the surface of what will gratify not only her but him as well.
To offer money, marriage, family, children, home, love, and care is stingy and small. That is what a man offers his own prowess and ego. To offer himself over to the power that exists within her—this is revolutionary. The man who can do this owns the world through serving it.
The old guard woman, seeing power as existing outside of herself and as a scarce resource bestowed upon her by the masculine rather than as self-generating, circles the wagons and aims in at her sisters. The currency of the tumescent woman is biological brokenness that will draw forth biological rescuing—a low-powered exchange. From this vantage, the ultimate status symbol women can display is brokenness.
It is upheld as a wholly untouchable mantle, and maintained through scrutiny by disabling intimacy and spontaneous communication, limiting all communication to a scrutinized form aimed only at upholding the illusion of her brokenness and punishing anything that might reveal her capability.
At any point, she can claim her brokenness, and all actions and activities are to stop immediately. Her brokenness has in fact taken her and everyone else hostage, and her significance is accessed not through the Erotic power of expression, excellence, and genius but through a farce that must be maintained at all costs. She boldly claims and maintains her right to reject the realization of her power, and uses any means necessary to ensure others are punished if they try to call her on her game.
This is the ultimate glory of the tumescent mind. The same mind that wants to separate itself from the power of the body, wants to separate woman from her power. She works with the utmost tenacity and service to this mind that tells her there is a "them" doing this to her. There is a "them" keeping her from her power.
All efforts must be aimed at protecting herself from "them" as a sleight of hand, keeping her attention "out there," allowing the mind to continue its internal work of separating her from the connective power of Eros. Were she to actually turn on—behind her fear of being harmed or needing to grab for herself out of scarcity, beyond demonizing people with perceived power, or holding onto finite sources of power when she could instead be generating it—she would see something truly glorifying.
While searching for, fighting for, demanding, protecting, and legislating with terms like microaggression and emotional labor, she fails to recognize the availability of power. When she is willing to explain who she is and how she operates, she will see these are all intoxicants that give power to the tumescent mind; she will see she is feeding what drains her of her power.
Attempting to control the world to move at a pace comfortable for the tumescent mind, she avoids self-examination—a pace not so fast that it loses control and not so slow there is room for self-examination.
Nothing is more thrilling to the tumescent mind than when she plays small and ordered, merely to be taken care of, never doing the math to reveal the profit and loss of selling her soul to marriage, monogamy, family, or shelter, no matter how much it will never equal a drop of real power. It is not until she stops and looks at every complaint she has about the power she lacks, or deserves, will she realize it is not what she is supposed to be receiving from "them," it is what she is supposed to be giving.