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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

The Illusion Women Create

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Concealing Power

Women are trained to believe that she must operate undercover. She must conceal power at all costs. It is as if there is a survival gene in her that takes over and operates through her consciousness with a virus-like sentience, speaking to her in her own voice with life-or-death warnings. These warnings are real and every woman knows it. Rooted in biological mandates to protect her young at any cost in a world where she was entirely dependent on forces outside of herself for shelter and protection, she learned a collective series of survival methods, that although unnecessary at this point in history, still make up the consciousness of woman.

The illusion of woman as powerless is a carefully constructed ecosystem held together by men and women alike through a well-managed set of beliefs and behaviors.

Circuitous Tactics

The Art of Concealment In this ecosystem, she does everything under the radar in a circuitous way. She never lets her power be seen directly, only through her deeds so she can deny culpability. She moves the world around her, never letting it be known that it stems from her. She must remain innocent. She can strategize and maneuver, but she must have others believe they acted of their own volition. They do not recognize invisible power as a force, so this is not difficult.

She must never let her strategy or maneuvering be witnessed or she will be culturally slapped down as being desperate, scheming, and manipulative, even by other women. This way, the collective illusion that men are in power and in control can be maintained. She can never admit that she enjoys the benefits of this illusion, namely that she does not have to develop her own adult power and face consequences. She can protest about being disempowered, as long as it is because they—the powerful men—are withholding power from her. Otherwise, she blows her cover, exposing that she has been maneuvering things all along.

Limiting Eros

Turn Off to Maintain Control In this ecosystem, she must hold on to the man at any cost. The inability to hold her man is a signifier of failure—both in the capacity to attract him in and then to manage him. So she gives him just enough power to function and "produce" but not so much that he develops his own identity. Keep a tight lid on Eros, specifically as expressed through sex. Progressively turn the volume down, turning it up only when there is a threat or when she needs him to have slightly more attention to tend to us. It is easier if she simply turns the volume down on her desire so she does not need to manage that as well. Put it on autopilot.

She can convince him her lack of desire is due to his lack of skill to "open" her. This will hook into his production-oriented mind and fear of failure until he is in a freeze. Never tell him what she wants to keep an air of mystery and so she doesn't blow her cover on the depth of her desire—as we all know, desire is rooted in power.

At a certain point, his belief that it is him will begin to wear thin. Here, she can switch over to, "Something is just wrong with me." She can add in angst that she does not know what it is, and then move to ennui, and then finally acceptance. When he believes—and possibly when she does, too—that she does not have desire, and certainly that she does not have desire that exceeds his, she has succeeded.

Redirecting Attraction

A good side trick is to turn her body off in his presence. Then while turned off, reach for him sexually so he is convinced she wants it and he doesn't. He will bear the burden. She can add in getting lit up—often in the form of jealousy—and turning on in the presence of other women so he believes he is attracted to other women and not her.

Then the illusion that he is a sexy, powerful, self-sufficient man can continue and she can continue in her powerless role. She will get to play desperate, which works for both people. Her power gets funneled into that and he gets to feel in control.

Maintaining Control

Without power, he will disengage. She must act flustered and frustrated so as to conceal she has control over the power. She can intermittently turn it up to have "truth telling" conversations enough to secure her position before turning it back down and sending him to autopilot, a job, or production. With low power, he will be a lot of work so she will want to prop him up in a job or something he finds meaning in, but not a meaning that is greater than her as that may pull him away from her.

Should anything start to prove more meaningful, she turns the power off entirely. She looks innocent when he is confused as to why he is suddenly so lost. She turns up the power on high to imprint that this is where his power lies. Coming from a position of starving, he will do anything to get drops of power.

She is safe as long as he doesn't recognize her power, provided no other woman interferes to communicate the truth of her power. He is in a permanent state of crossed wires where what he feels is different from what he sees, so he is in a position of learned helplessness and reliant on her. The culture will help with this by giving the message that he is a good man for living on virtually no power.

Men who have a lot of residue from trauma can be challenging as they may have a tendency to stonewall and be nonresponsive to these methods. If she gets too close to feeling her power, she can attract one of these men in order to convince herself it is true that her power is nonexistent.

Creating Legislation

Drive Power Underground and Instead Create Legislation She must be very cautious that as her power and desire are driven under- ground, they do not die. To the extent that it builds up, it will draw in that much force from men unless she plays fully broken—then it can be converted to caretaking. So be sure to create tremendous legislation to ensure it looks like men are not acting in response to her. This way, she can maintain her passive and innocent position.

When it hits the level that a man is confronting her with his desire, she is in danger of her power breaking through—so it must be spent immediately. Fantasy is a good expenditure, as are exercise, worry and anxiety, and obsession with things—especially weight and checklists as well as what other people are doing. If this gets out of hand, she will need to starve it. Literal starvation is an excellent way and it maintains her fragile status. It is best if she can call it health and well-being.

Fragile Facade

The Fragility Game Playing heavily on her fragility will lock in a man's biology. All evidence will be to the contrary in terms of how much resilience she actually has, but it is vital she maintains the illusion that he is bigger and stronger than her in order to keep his ego off balance by hooking into the biological seed of savior and protector. The mind habituates so she will have to keep upping her incapability ante, putting herself into a trance if necessary in order to continue to keep up the facade without her power breaking through. She is permitted activities that are in no way associated with a direct sense of power that might threaten his sense of power.

She is permitted anything maternal or caretaking. She is permitted to produce especially if she has filled his ego to the point that he has grown entitled. She can be equal in work because she is unequal in power, but she must never exceed his ability. If she does, he will protest by taking on a feminine role of lack of power.

Attributing Ideas

Make Him Believe All Ideas Are His Men must be the focal point of the world. She can come up with the ideas but she must give them to him and have him think they were his. Or she can simply attribute them to a man. Religion is always a good cover.

Need-Based Approval

Give Him Need-Based Approval She can withhold approval, or if she does approve, ensure it is devoid of real power. Let it be flattery. This keeps him in the hamster wheel of trying to get a drop of the power that comes with approval. Instead, she can give him need-based approval, meaning anytime he is responding to fulfilling her needs, she is happy with that. Comments like, "I do not know what I would do without you" are good. But do not give approval that would allow him to wake up and see the game at hand.

Don't Teach the Masculine the Language of the Feminine Never train the masculine in the language of the feminine. Let him think it is inscrutable garble so women can run a room without the men ever knowing what is happening. It is always good to have a man speak for women, especially if what she has to say demonstrates her power. He love to demonstrate their supposed power while she remains incognito.

Maintaining Appearances

Keep Other Women in Check Work with women to keep other women in check. Help to keep the sense of power down by commenting first and foremost on their appearance. If a woman demonstrates power, do everything to put her in her place through scrutiny. It's best if it's public. The most skillful sleight of hand is to focus on empowerment because it's like hiding in plain sight.

Nothing maintains hidden power like the people with power trying to get power. Exalt any woman who partakes in this endeavor as she becomes a shelter for all other women to hide in, provided she never publicly demonstrates or reveals her feminine power. She is permitted to exhibit masculine power with things like integrity, honor, and "helping those less fortunate," provided she never reveals how the forces of true power work.

If she sounds like a man with a monotone, American Broadcast English, and no nonlinear multidimensional feminine language, all the better. Then she communicates that women can only have power on a man's terms and the status quo is never threatened. 116 WOMAN

Punishing Desire

Destroy Any Woman Who Demonstrates Desire Any woman who demonstrates she has desire or likes Eros—and is willing to share it beyond the rations men are permitted—must be destroyed. It is best to do it female style, by killing her reputation. She has broken the laws of women and must be punished.

Calling her shallow or discrediting her power collectively and relentlessly is good. Focusing on any failure in her life, especially in the realm of relationship, works too. The aim is to hit her right in the biology. Take normal relationship difficulties and blow them up so it is clear: sexual women are not women, they are cut off from relationship.

Use Complaint to Conceal Disdain She will likely feel disdain toward the man she has convinced of her powerlessness. Every woman hates her hostage. This can be concealed through an endless stream of low-grade, unsolvable complaints. Disdain would be a sign of power so it must be dispersed into the atmosphere.

Spiritual Pursuits

Focus on a Spiritual Pursuit As she moves away from her body and the power located inside it, she will naturally lack clarity. She will experience the confusion that comes from the internally dim lighting of low power. She has one alternative as to how to manage this—focus on some type of spiritual pursuit. This channels all power into a masculine direction of "up" so that she remains concealed below but has just enough power moving through to function. Yoga and meditation are excellent for this purpose.

Exalt Production and the Rational It's wise to have a man place his worth in production and all things based in the world of appearances so he is not tempted to descend into the world of invisible power. Ensure that if he does, it's through "spiritual methods" that dismiss women and Eros so that the workings of feminine power are never revealed. Have all things rational be exalted, like science, so that he has a sense of control over his environment and a means of dismissing the invisible. Women's appearances are vital as a means of distraction from what is actually occurring. It is important, though, to create a world of appearances and then complain about objectification.

This includes the deliberate rejection of appearance standards as a means of managing activation of power, as well as selling the disguise of happy. Happy is associated always with prey and never with power. Spend the most focus on low-grade ways of appearing happy. Smiles are necessary unless she is part of the "counterculture" that upholds the culture of being angry when a man tells you to smile. This is a great way to hide that the happy woman was her creation.

Centering Men

Place Men at the Center of Any Competition Between Women It is absolutely vital to make men the central focus. The best way she can play out power is therefore through competition with men in the center, like highly exalted soccer balls. This is the equivalent to cubs tussling; she tests out another woman's power by her lure.

However, when either woman starts to feel true power, one woman must grab for the man and pull him out of the game so that all power lines are immediately cut, including his. It is absolutely vital to pull him out of play if he starts to wake up. She can use "ownership" as a great cover. Jealousy and "broken woman fear" work as well. Of course, no woman actually believes these things; they are the product of the system of hidden power, but they are great covers.

It also keeps women from true collaboration or direct contact, which might bring about activation of power that cannot be turned off. Women's backbiting, withdrawal of resources, and refocusing on men must be employed immediately to prevent this climax.

Diverting Appetite

Divert Appetite Because a woman's appetite is her power, it must be managed at all costs, and must be fed with things that divert appetite. The safest arenas are food, spirituality, and relationships as these all funnel the electricity of power into areas that can easily consume it. Compulsive focus in these three areas drains nearly all Eros from a woman's system while concur- rently having her feel less than attractive and shameful with respect to true Eros.

Most forms of spirituality are in direct opposition to women's power of Eros, with precepts against it, and women's relationships are based on an Eros-smothering "love," unless it is being employed to secure the love relationship.

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