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Tearing Down Vs. Building Up

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Erotic Power

Erotic power is qualitatively different from other forms of power in that sensation and connection are an inherent part of the expression. For something to be erotically powered, the how is as important as the what. Masculine power does not concern itself with connection; in fact, what it sees is an "opponent" who should be brought down. This is a masculine response to injustice, a response that—without true feminine power to counterbalance it in our culture—has created a system that can do no better than to punish and isolate. This masculine system never gets better. At best, it maintains a status quo.

A woman in her Erotic power does not allow her focus to be moved to such things. She recognizes that even the most heinous forms merely "brought down" will arise again, likely in a more virulent form. As compelling as it may be to get justice, exact revenge, or tear down an old system, she recognizes that for her this is an act of powerlessness, taking her out of her seat of creativity. Erotic power knows it has resources available and so does not need to punish. It demands more of itself and its keeper. From the position of Erotic power, for a woman to engage in this way is an affront to power itself.

Feminine Scrutiny

Women take each other down regularly with a glance, sometimes adding in a positive word for the sake of appearances. But she knows this isn't her true Erotic power. When she allows for creation, her power grows and strengthens. She builds others up, creating new worlds and approaches, because that is what grows Erotic power.

Masculine power acts as judge and jury, scrutinizing and attempting to take people down. It prides itself on its ability to examine and catch inconsistencies and infractions. It creates a cold world. Eros, on the other hand, builds a world where we do not want to commit a crime, and even welcomes in those cold, hard scrutinizers, to heal and find some real power.

Empathetic Connection

Beyond this, Erotic power is rooted in empathy—unable to separate itself from those it would tear down. More importantly, it is rooted in a sympathetic connection that aims to produce the most healing, growth, and evolution in the other, knowing all experience is shared experience.

When coming from a scarcity mindset based on masculine values, we believe if someone is in power, we cannot be. In Eros, we see the opposite is true—for there to be genuine connection, we must all be in power at the same time. Each of us must express according to the interior blueprint of our power, which just so happens to fit like a puzzle piece with others' power. The very selfish choice, then, is to build one another up in power. There is no one to impress but ourselves, and there is no way to impress but to be fully ourselves.

Authority Disconnect

Being in a position of authority may impress others who cannot feel, who can be led to confuse power with authority. But, ultimately, from this position of authority, woman lacks power because true power only comes from being fully herself in her power and lifting others in their power. There are only so many roles, but there are infinite positions of power.

When a woman takes on the mantle of her Erotic power without relying on non-powered masculine roles, she redefines what power looks like for everyone. Suddenly, everyone wants to be her. She has figured out how to be who she is and power others.

Embracing Resilience

She has seen that to "take down"— even for the most righteous reason—may temporarily knock someone out, giving the ego a transitory sense of power, but that will pass and she will be left with her now-even-more-disempowered self. And, those who have been taken down will likely—if they are powered by Eros—rise back up more resilient.

Eros says, "Don't be distracted. Build the world we want to see. Soon it will be the world that everyone can inhabit."

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