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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Sharing Essences

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Liberated Channels

When we have liberated ourselves from our conditioning around monogamy and nonmonogamy, we have opened up some previously closed channels. Once they are open, we get to play with various expressions. A woman with a channel open in monogamy is not monogamous by default, and thus has volition. She can choose the best expression, monogamous or not, rather than having her programming drag her toward a partner in order to avoid facing herself. It only gets more interesting from here.

We can begin to express aspects of ourselves that were previously limited to expression only within the realm of sex, in other conditions. Once these aspects have been liberated, we can enter the Erotic Room in any location under any conditions with another person who has also liberated these aspects of themselves. Sex is liberated from the sex act. It's as if we are wearing night goggles, and can suddenly see an entire other world within the world.

We see the interaction between essences. We see the connections being made and at what level, regardless of gender, relationship status, role, or position. Essences pay no attention to such things. The essential level of connection will happen irrespective of whether or not we bring awareness to the experience.

Essence Connections

People of the same gender who consider themselves straight may meet at the level of essence, and experience an eerie, unexpected intimacy. The connecting essences may be masculine from one and feminine from the other. We all carry all aspects.

A married woman can experience ten times the level of intimacy with a stranger she passes on the street than she does with her husband if she and the stranger both have liberated essences; actual connection and intimacy is made at that level. We are welcome to take our roles, genders, and vows very seriously. Just know that in the interior world they mean absolutely nothing; they are merely ways we confine ourselves.

Essence Play

The real play happens when we make room for the whole of our essence to express, while abiding by the world of physical appearances. Those who live in the true fluidity of essence have no need to assert it in the world. The play becomes that much more interesting when we are entirely beholden to the laws of both worlds and we figure out how to be true to both.

This is why we who engage in unconditionality are slow to commit and quick to break. Those commitments make the negotiation between essence and the world of appearances that much more challenging. When we play in unconditionality, we want to respect everyone's play, even if it is inauthentic. We would not have an affair in the essential world with someone who is married in the physical world.

Even though the essential world does not recognize such constructs, the physical world does. Many women believe if they do not act in the physical world or engage in the essence connection, they are off the hook. However, they must remember they have call and that everyone always knows, even if they do not know. She keeps the doorway between her and the other clear so she can peacefully exist in both worlds. She does not indulge.

Unconditional Players

Sometimes, two unconditional players who have set their lives up such that they are free to express in the essential world without reservation or potential harm to each other in any world, find themselves in a room together. It is extraordinarily rare but when it occurs, there is little that can bring about such deep gratification.

When we have our sensing organ awake with another who also has their sensing organ awake, we feel our whole body awake and alive. We feel the sensing organ moving out from our body and flesh to meet the other. We feel as our sensing organ comes into contact with the other, and the way and shape and form in which it knows the other. We feel the inquiry of this sensing organ touching on the other.

We feel as the signals make their way back to our nervous system filled with information. We sense the strength, light, darkness, power, hunger, and reception of the other. And we feel the nervous system drawing forth the perfect match. A gentle dance exists between nervous systems with the sense inside that someone is laughing with delight.

And then we feel the contact, as if something is locking on the way two animals lock on and move in unison. This translates in our body as the rise of power up our stomach to our chest, the fire in our thighs, the swelling of the tissue and always, always this listening with an organ not entirely in the body, for where and how to meet.

Essential Conversation

A conversation ensues in which we overhear as these two find each other through the two open channels, ours and the other. Old friends, teacher and student, lovers. Roles switched up from how they appear in the physical world. But love, always this unbearable force of love that moves us both. A surge through the body that is a love not known in the material.

A love far beyond this realm is called forth in the connection that exists through each of our bodies as our two essences meet. Sometimes this is sexual in nature, sometimes nurturing, and sometimes it involves a great sense of adventure. They move together, though, in delight at having found a doorway into this world where they can meet.

We become channels, and what is meant to inhabit this world finds the doorway in through our bodies. We are forever changed in the process.

Erotic Practitioners

In extreme players—the best and most masterful—following the play and the return of essence to the body, there is an acknowledgment, a nod, a thank-you. The thank-you is not to the other per se, but to say thank you for making their body a doorway as we have ours so we could do what we are here to do—provide an entry point for the forces that are here to love, heal, and power this world.

A sympathy exists in Erotic practitioners that is an impersonal love beyond what we could otherwise know.

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