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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Scarcity Vs. Surplus

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Surreal depiction of imbalance with scattered playing cards representing scarcity and surplus.

Erotic Gratification

Woman will be gratified by one, and only one, thing—her own Erotic power. With it, she needs very little else in her life. Without it, there is not enough in the universe to fill her needs. Until she fills with Eros, she is like a feral animal strategizing, scraping, figuring, and maneuvering to get security, attention, and love. Her actions are driven by her voracious hunger, which can only be fed by activating her power. As her being is filled with Eros, anything on top of it becomes surplus.

An Erotic woman is a gracious woman, not because she has learned how to pretend better than other women, but because she is wealthy in attention. The attention that would otherwise be spent on ensuring her position with a man, a career, among other women, or financially has been invested in her power. She operates from a position of choice rather than need.

Volitional Experiences

The single addition of volition that comes from being an already-full woman changes all experiences. When she starts with "this that I have is already enough," a whole world of behaviors falls away. The power that flows from this fullness opens the hand that grips. She needs and con- sumes less when she has fundamental gratification as her base, because she is getting the most out of what she already has. This is very different from the so-called noble qualities of withstanding, restriction, or deprivation. She feels no lack. She is full and overflowing.

A scarcity-based mind has an impulse for a quick hit—making up problems to get the hit of fixing something, having arguments for the hit of charge being released, engaging in emotional anorexia or replaying past wrongs to get the hit of control. As she makes her way into power, she will have to take this impulse and instead drive it toward generative activities.

A contemporary digital illustration of fragmented expressions, exploring the emotional aspect of Scarcity Vs. Surplus.

Generative Activities

A warning is in order. Generative activities almost invariably have her pay on the front end, which is why it is so tempting to reach for a problem. As she looks out at what will generate power, she sees she is almost always required to face, have courage, and act. The key is to remember that times when she lacks power are just momentary blocks behind which an otherwise flooding amount of energy exists.

She can ask the questions and genuinely listen: "What is being asked of me here? What am I not looking at or facing? What, if faced and opened, would flood me with energy?" Power starts to flow when she is honest with herself. Again, a block in power occurs when she places layers on top of what she knows or when she is called and does not go.

Scarcity Giving

To give from scarcity is to build a world of scarcity; scarcity begets scarcity. It is often passive, doing what needs to be done in order to get through. It carries with it and delivers a sense of lack. No one is ever very happy with what she offers because she is not offering the only thing that would give it that quality—herself. But she can only offer herself when she has surplus. She can only have surplus when she has power. And, she can only have power as a woman when she is plugged into her true Erotic self.

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