There is a non-referential rightness to a woman who is in her Erotic power. Because she is steeped in her body, she has a direct source of information, enabling her to know. She can see through people's behaviors, hear through the walls they build, and taste the truth. She knows the way we know the taste of honey—it is not theoretical. It is in her sinew and her bones.
She is also steeped in experience. She lives day in and day out guided through real experience by the sensing organ of Eros. Nothing about her life is theoretical. Her pain is real; her love is real. Her intimacy with this moment is real and incontrovertible.
The more steeped she is in Erotic power, the less likely she is to be moved by anything other than truth. Immersion in, engagement with, participation in life is difficult and unruly. It can be tempting to want to escape into the sanctuary of a partner or a masculine notion of security or success or to disassociate from the body or spirituality.
Eros not only meets these difficulties, but requires them in order to put the erotically powered woman in positions to garner more and more experiential information about direct workings of life, people, and who she is in various experiences. To know who she is in true practice translates to rightness. This rightness can never be taken away; it can only be increased.
The woman lacking in Erotic power relies on the shell of rightness: righteousness. Righteousness is a set of untested ideas. Righteousness develops when we have ideas about scenarios we have not inhabited. Righteousness is always an argument with systems and the people around the systems. Righteousness always reserves the right to disagree. It is a point of pride for righteousness to hold the contrary viewpoint, to not simply buy in. In doing so, we have accepted a masculine expression of power that maintains separation at all costs.
To be a truly powered Erotic woman is to cease to fight anyone or any- thing. This is the luxury only someone of great Erotic wealth can afford. It is only seated in her own rightness that she can descend to anyone's location, to know everyone in their own expression of rightness, of truth.
A big difference between a righteous woman and a right woman is that the righteous woman has many judgments, but also has judgments about judgment, so they often come out sideways. An Erotic woman has no issue with communicating her judgments. She believes enough in her rightness to trust them. She is right enough with herself that if she is mistaken, she can shift her opinion with ease.
She brings to the surface the judgments almost everyone has. Eros views them as something to play with, connect about, and reveal. Nothing is held back in the intimate relationships that arise from rightness. Everything is up for examination, including deep-seated prejudices. Eros protects no one from another's judgment because it believes that no one needs protection. Right people can afford difference.
Because Eros does not shy from passion or feelings or intensity, an Erotic woman in her rightness takes a position and cannot be persuaded that there is anything wrong with her. And if we are going to be in her life, we are going to have to stand in our own rightness. A world of erotically powered women would be a world where there is little if any protection, not because it is reckless but because the resilience of true experience would render protection obsolete.