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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Is It Relationship Anxiety or Your Gut Feeling?

By Guest Published: January, 2025

Do you often find yourself questioning your relationship, even when things seem to be going well on the surface? That persistent, uneasy feeling in your stomach—could it be relationship anxiety, or is your intuition signaling something deeper? Learning to tell the difference can transform your love life. Learning to distinguish between the two can be a game-changer for your love life.

Tuning Into Your Body's Wisdom

Our bodies are constantly in communication with us, but we don’t always listen. In the busy noise of modern life and the chatter of our minds, it's easy to overlook the quiet whispers of intuition. But your gut feelings are there for a reason. 

As you develop a relationship with your intuition, you may be surprised by the flood of insights that arise. Suddenly, you find yourself picking up on subtle cues and signals that you overlooked before. You just know things before you can rationally explain how.

At first, this newfound awareness can feel overwhelming. However, learning to interpret your body’s messages is essential for making decisions aligned with your truth—both in relationships and beyond. When you’re attuned to your intuition, it becomes a reliable compass, guiding you toward what feels right.

Relationship Anxiety or Intuition? 

How can you tell the difference between relationship anxiety and a gut feeling that something’s off?

 Relationship anxiety often stems from fear—fear of abandonment, intimacy, and losing yourself in the relationship. It's the mind's way of trying to maintain control in the face of the inherent vulnerability of opening your heart to another.

Intuition, on the other hand, is a deep, calm knowing. It's not frantic or fear-based. It doesn't try to cajole you into action based on "what ifs" and worst-case scenarios. Instead, it's a still, small voice that speaks the truth, even when it's hard to hear. 

One way to distinguish the two is to observe how the feeling shifts as you bring awareness to it. Anxious thoughts tend to multiply and grow more insistent the more you focus on them. Intuitive hits, in contrast, are unattached. They don't have an agenda beyond relaying the message.

Befriending Your Relationship Fears

Rather than trying to banish relationship anxiety when it arises, see if you can get curious about it instead. What is the fear trying to protect you from? What unmet need or past wound is being triggered? Can you hold it with compassion rather than getting hijacked by it?

As you build intimacy with your fears and notice when they get activated in your relationship, you create space for clearer perception. You're less likely to react unconsciously from a place of panic or dread. You learn to pause, breathe, and check in with your deeper knowing.

Honoring Your Truth in Relationships

Ultimately, tuning into your intuition is an act of profound self-trust and self-love. It's honoring your truth, even when it feels risky or inconvenient. It's being willing to rock the boat in service of your authenticity.

However, this doesn't mean blindly acting on every passing instinct. Discernment is key. Take time to reflect on your intuitive hits—do they still resonate after careful thought? Bounce them off a trusted friend or advisor. Let them percolate before taking action.

But once you've verified the message, don't be afraid to follow through, even if it means disrupting the status quo in your relationship. Trust that your intuition is leading you towards greater wholeness and joy.

The Path of Relationship as Transformation

When you commit to honoring your intuition as your guiding star in love, you sign up for a hero's journey of growth and transformation. You stop settling for relationships that look good on paper but leave you feeling empty or unseen. You attract partners who honor your full truth and meet you in your depths.

It's not always easy to untangle the threads of anxiety and intuition. It takes practice, patience, and a commitment to radical honesty with yourself. But as you learn to decipher the signals, you access a wellspring of wisdom that can radically shift how you relate - to your partner, to yourself, and to the world. 

The path of the heart is illuminated one brave step at a time.


How can I tell the difference between relationship anxiety and intuition?

Relationship anxiety often stems from fear-based thoughts, such as fear of abandonment or losing oneself in the relationship. These anxious thoughts tend to multiply and become more insistent the more you focus on them. In contrast, intuition is a deep knowing that comes from a place of inner calm. It's a still, small voice that speaks the truth without an agenda or attachment to a specific outcome.

What can I do when I experience relationship anxiety?

Answer: Instead of trying to banish relationship anxiety, cultivate curiosity about it. Ask yourself what the fear is trying to protect you from and what unmet needs or past wounds are being triggered. Practice self-compassion and hold the anxiety with kindness rather than getting hijacked by it. As you build intimacy with your fears, you create space for clearer perception and can better tune into your intuition.

How can I honor my intuition in relationships?

Honoring your intuition in relationships is an act of self-trust and self-love. It requires a willingness to listen to your inner truth, even when it feels risky or inconvenient. To access your intuition, slow down and tune into your body's sensations and emotions without judgment. Allow feelings to move through you fully until you reach a place of clarity and insight. Trust the wisdom that emerges, and be willing to take aligned action, even if it means disrupting the status quo in your relationship.

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