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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Performing Vs. Defining

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Abstract black and white ink burst, visually illustrating Performing Vs. Defining in expression.

Redefining Beauty

A woman truly in her power redefines beauty and desirability, irrespective of age, size, color, or ability. She knows how to transmit a sensation so potent it will take over the bodies of the people around her such that an Erotic dimension of beauty is revealed. She becomes progressively more lovely and irresistible. She draws out the best from those around her based on how they feel in her presence.

A woman who merely performs is exhausted and can only sustain the performance for so long. She shines bright with diminishing returns. A woman lit by call, however, rests in the security of her beauty. She does not need to draw in the gaze of others to support it. It is beauty precisely because it is unself-conscious. When her attention is not fastened to herself, it radiates as an offering.

Artistic Uniqueness

With the beauty of call, she presents as art, where her various unique aspects add to the depth and character of her beauty. She offers places for the eye to land and be drawn into uniqueness. A key aspect to this type of beauty is that she knows when she is emanating it. This knowing occurs as a generosity that allows others to receive her, to take her in.

She is not the kind of woman who must deflect and reposition herself to prevent others from looking for too long and realizing there is nothing beneath the facade she presents. Nor is she the woman who does not bother to make an offering of her beauty, having taken a stance of rejecting beauty standards or the male gaze.

A retro-futuristic city with bending structures, illustrating Performing Vs. Defining through perspective.

Gateway Precision

With the Erotic impulse alive in her, she takes great care and precision in preparing the gateway of her physicality that opens into ever-greater depths of beauty. What makes it so powerful to the viewer is that she inhabits it and thus is relaxed in it. Anyone who allows their gaze to fall on her feels that same deep relaxation of the senses. Ultimately, this is what beauty is—when something, be it an image, a sensation, or a taste, is so on the spot that it inspires no agitation in the receiver, no thinking it should be different in some way.

The Erotic woman is free to decorate herself however she wishes, playing with all of the processes and adornments of the culture. True beauty is not symmetry of facial features but congruency between an individual's soul, heart, and their expression in the physical.

Artful Responsibility

It isn't a burden for a woman to present this beauty, nor a shallow grabbing for attention, as Erotic beauty is carved to the depths. It is her responsibility. It's a woman's unique way of bringing art to the world, making it a more beautiful, vibrant, and alive place to live. Everyone can bask in the glow of an erotically beautiful woman. She has become art itself and, as a result, redefines beauty for others.

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