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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Offering Is An Act Of Eros

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Eros Awakens

In the Erotic world, our angels come from below, as hands reaching out and asking for help as often—if not more often—than those who come with offerings. We forget that love is experienced whether it is coming in or going out. We are built to respond to need in others. Something wakes up inside of us. Every single one of us has this imperative, even under the most hardened shell.

Yet we have not necessarily had the framework to understand that Eros, traveling equally up and down the ladder, can evolve this instinct for our benefit, and use it in service to our calling. We are pulled out of our tumescent self-circulation and drawn into the world where life is. What to the tumescent mind can feel like an inconvenience, a favor we are doing for another, or a contribution we are making, is actually Eros and its any-means-necessary-to-draw-us-forth ways to cut through tumescent fog.

Eros does not need to have the upper hand, to be the bestower of good. It also does not mind being a little tricky. It is simply the open hand, offering or receiving, emptying or filling, depending on which is of greater benefit for the situation.

Scarcity Mindset

From a scarcity mind, we cannot see that so much of our scarcity is created by congestion blocking where nutrients would enter, rather than there being a lack of available nutrients. We don't see how spending might be of greater benefit to us than to those we are spending on. We see Eros dressed as an outstretched hand asking for change and do not realize that when we offer it we are the recipient of a change in consciousness.

We do not realize this one moment shifts the sticky, inward-facing mind that can only entertain itself by manufacturing and solving manufactured problems. It opens a mental window, letting out all that is stuck and stale.

That tumescent mind desperately wants to hold on to the problems and the imagined solutions because those solutions are literally saving the tumescent mind's life. Solutions stem from problems that stem from fear, which stems from the tumescent mind. It is all manufactured and all that is manufactured requires constant maintenance. Any distraction will jeopardize everything. It takes our whole will to build and maintain.

Illusory Love

The love that we think is the solution for isolation and loneliness is in fact what holds the illusion of isolation and loneliness in place. The work that we think is the solution for insecurity holds the inability to find a security that goes beyond the material. The prayer or meditation we do to become a good person conceals our fundamental goodness.

The tumescent mind, desperately trying to run from the problem to the solution, in a linear fashion, will see any request for assistance from the world as a nuisance, a distraction from the hard work of earning goodness. We may be so hypnotized by the clock that we miss or race past any requests.

Every now and again though, Eros, presenting as need in another, breaks into our solipsism by using our own programming, providing an opportunity to get out of the loop. Sometimes, it is strong enough to break through the armor of proving and draw out our spontaneous, natural, and trembling-hearted response.

Useful Transformation

The history and experience we are trying to run from or conceal become the very tools we need to help the other. What was ugly in us transforms in that moment and becomes what gives us credibility; we understand experientially what another is going through. But this can only happen when the heart of need in one is connected with the heart of surplus—congestion—in another.

Our story is rewritten before our eyes into something useful. We have a place to empty out what was so uncomfortable it gave us the sense there was a problem. In that connection, both get charged with the Erotic power of give-and-take that occurs as abundance. What looks like a waste of time in our busy day gets translated by the Erotic. In the world of eternal time that is Eros, there can be no such thing as a waste of time.

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