A light-pressure stroke can only be truly perceived by a mind that has been emptied and has been placed in a body where the senses permeate so that the body is an open state of potential, like a pond. It requires great power to stroke lightly and steadily. With too little power, the stroke will be shaky or will hover, tickling rather than connecting. The purpose of light pressure with speed is to gain liftoff, as if the sensation has wings.
From here the sensation begins to open and spread outward. Light pressure is associated with expansion, whereas heavy pressure is associated with density. We may apply light pressure with an ultraslow or even nonmoving stroke, allowing the stroke to take us into stillness and silence. Light pressure showcases and evokes more of what is already present.
Using light pressure, it can be challenging for many to find the sweet spot where connection remains yet the stroke doesn’t become “squeaky,” meaning the stroke lacks fluidity. In that case, too much self-consciousness goes to the finger. Rather than having a soft, gliding quality, the finger locks on the top or the bottom of the stroke and sensation collects in it so it grows heavier. Here, we can simply do a longer light stroke at this point to move the energy that has collected.
The key with a light stroke is to connect to the stillness inside our partner, which pulls out the softness in our finger. We connect by imagining our finger can open and can allow what’s deep inside of us to be pulled forth. Once we do that, we will sense a lock-on connection, which can then be extracted through our stroking finger.
It can be easy to confuse a light stroke with bliss, so it’s crucial to note whether we are feeling a light stroke in our head or in our body. The sensation may collect in the head, where we get the feeling of being “high”; this feeling is not actually a high but rather a signal that we aren’t connected to the body. When we do a light stroke correctly, the entire body will feel, on the one hand, as if it is weighted down, and on the other, as if it is lifting off. We are not a helium balloon flying away. We are more like a flower opening to the sun.