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Letting In What We Need

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Cultivating Magnetic Power

We attract and absorb experiences, relationships, and situations that arrive to help us cultivate power. Over time our field acts like a magnet, attracting what we need and want, and filtering out what we do not. This magnet takes time to develop and we will encounter all manner of experiences at the beginning of the Erotic path.

We may find we are attracting experiences that reflect conditioning, habits, and addictions we were unaware of, ways we were impacting our world that we could not see. It can be challenging to acknowledge our own behavior for the first time, without looking away.

Responsibility Amidst Confrontation

Again, we must take 100% responsibility for our own experience. It can be confronting to stay in the seat of volition when things happen that feel painful, confusing, or even humiliating. Looking our neuroses and ingrained patterns in the eye takes courage. It's where we learn to seek out the gem in the experience.

It can take as long as it takes with each one, with each initiation. Sometimes we are being worked by something in life for a long time before it reveals its beauty and perfection to us.

Internal Safety Boundary

This is why in Erotic boundaries, the only assured boundary we can aim for is to have encountered ourselves in so many different situations and challenges that we no longer rely on external resources for our sense of safety; instead, we reference a steady, grounded power source inside of us.

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