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Healthy Erotic Boundaries

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Fluid Boundaries

Healthy Erotic boundaries are those we acknowledge and allow to be fluid and alive in nature. These boundaries are felt and communicated in real time and are not reliant on others to make us feel safe.

Healthy Erotic boundaries have it be that we can take more risks, say more truths, create more play, and have deeper intimacy in our life. We live on the power we have built through adversity—having fallen and risen again many times over, we have grown a deep resilience.

Integrated Connection

We become so integrated, so whole in our sense of self, that we can afford to be generous in our connection with others and offer ourselves fully without fear of humanity—the truths we might say to each other, the needs they may have, or the desires that might be revealed.

We become able, willing, and excited to meet life on life's terms, instead of spending our energy trying to insist that life meet us on our terms, and rejecting it when it doesn't.

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