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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

Healing Trauma: The Misguided Pursuit of "Healing"

By Guest Published: January, 2025

What if everything you thought you knew about healing trauma was wrong? Our culture often casts trauma as an immutable pathology, a source of shame that must be coped with rather than truly liberated. But what if true healing doesn’t come from endless self-analysis? What if it comes through transcendent mystical experiences that dissolve the identities we cling to?

The Misguided Pursuit of "Healing"

For many, healing trauma involves grasping at methods that promise relief. But too often, these approaches merely teach us to cope, leaving the root of the pain untouched. Trauma can feel like a fragile house of cards—one wound stacked precariously atop another—forever afraid of change.

This illusory "healing" is a pale imitation of the genuine transformation that comes from flooding our being with the resources it truly needs - the wisdom of the body, the release of fixed beliefs, the courage to fully inhabit our physical selves. True healing is not a prerequisite for mystical experience; it is the byproduct.

Activating the Energy of Trauma 

Trauma begins as undigested experiences—extreme, repeated or negative—that accumulate and congest our consciousness. This "tumescence" lurks in the background, a reservoir of reactive energy awaiting activation by resonant circumstances or sudden influxes of emotion.

When triggered, if the activation exceeds our capacity for mindful attention, this trauma energy hijacks our being, leading to disproportionate responses that feel automatic and uncontrollable. We constrict and defend against it, unaware that with skillful holding, this powerful force could be harnessed to catalyze our liberation.

Leveraging Tumescence for Transformation  

Eros, the universal energy of unification, reveals an alternative to the well-trodden path from trauma to shame to self-abandonment. In the light of Eros, trauma is simply potential power in its most congealed, constrained form. By increasing arousal and consciously conducting the heightened energy, we initiate a process of softening, opening and release.

As the blockages dissolve, so too does the traumatized identity to which we have long clung. In its place arises the mystical state—a profound experience of unity, transcendence, and sacred knowing. From this perspective, we see the perfection that both predates and follows our journey through trauma.

The Mystical Shortcut to Healing

Immersion in the mystical state is the ultimate medicine, making possible the profound surrenders that precede true transformation. It matters not whether we feel "healed enough" to enter this exalted terrain; it is the terrain itself that heals us.

Practices like Orgasmic Meditation (OM) provide reliable access to this state by turning congested energy into usable power. In the intensity of heightened sensation, the rigid structures of identity fall away, leaving us in an ocean of connection. Healing arises naturally in the absence of the barriers that once demanded it.

Emerging into Wholeness

To be human is to encounter trauma; it is an initiation common to all who journey between the poles of perfection. Our task is not to eliminate these sacred wounds but to liberate the life force bound within them—to compost the dense material of our personal history into the fertile soil of an awakened life. 

Healing is not a goal to be pursued but an organic outcome of daring to meet our experience with embodied compassionate presence. As we surrender into the mystery of Eros, an ancient, oceanic intelligence reorganizes our shattered pieces into an exquisite mosaic, a testament to the only perfection ever available—the sacredness of reality itself, just as it is. 

Trauma is not a problem when we recognize it as a doorway to the divine.


How does the mystical experience help heal trauma? 

Mystical experiences, characterized by unity, transcendence, sacredness and ineffability, allow us to dissolve the limited traumatized identity we cling to. By immersing in the expansive mystical state, the defensive structures of our identity yield to an ocean of connection. This makes profound surrenders and true transformations possible, allowing healing to arise spontaneously.

What role does 'tumescence' play in trauma and healing?  

Tumescence refers to stuck emotional energy that builds up from unprocessed traumatic experiences. This energy can be overwhelming when triggered, but it also holds the potential for transformation. By working with it mindfully—through heightened awareness and intentional release—we can harness this energy for liberation rather than letting it keep us trapped.

Are common 'healing' modalities actually effective for resolving trauma?

Many mainstream modalities focus more on developing coping mechanisms that bring temporary relief but leave the roots of trauma intact. True healing requires us to flood our being with resources like embodied wisdom, releasing fixed beliefs, and courageously inhabiting the body. Practices that provide access to mystical states, like Orgasmic Meditation, enable the profound surrenders that precede genuine transformation, revealing healing as a byproduct of awakening.

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