The erotically powered woman has a capacity for loyalty that we do not often see. It is loyalty not in spite of another's weaknesses but as a way to heal them. It is not a loyalty out of ignorance where she does not see not the other's flaws. It is not blind nationalism, patriotism, or codependence, but a loyalty that is true to something or someone.
The masculine mind rooted in right and wrong prioritizes self-preservation. When someone operating from the masculine mind judges someone else to be doing wrong, they are righteous and separate from the "wrongdoer" to avoid being sullied. Saving face and falling on the "right" side of things is vital. Boundaries are vital. Fundamentally, this mind is in a state of lack of power, concerned with the world of appearances and not with the heart of matters.
For an erotically powered woman, however, nothing will stop her from showing up when her heart hears the cry of one she cares for. She is not concerned with self-preservation or self-gratification, nor is she held back by whatever resentment she may have, how dangerous it looks, or how much it hurts. There is nothing that could stop her from responding to the call from a heart of one to whom she is connected. In an Erotic heart there is no justification for not showing up.
There is nothing our loved one could do or not do that would stop us, because showing up is what she is here on the planet to do; she is the healing force that is being called for.
At the same time, this is not blind loyalty because blind loyalty isn't loyalty at all but dependency. It says, "I don't care who you are or what you do, I am sticking with you because I desperately need you, not because I will contribute to you and be a healing force in your life." Blind loyalty feeds that which hurts a person rather than healing what is hurting. Healing sometimes requires firmness and firmness requires power. Blind loyalty falls under the disempowered category of dependency.
Someone who is blindly loyal often has their own emotional ride during the difficulties that renders them incapable of really showing up as a powerful force. They will in fact manufacture problems as a means to avoid someone else's difficulties so they can maintain attention on themselves. While the worlds of others are crumbling, they are the one having the breakdown; they require care-taking. But they congratulate themself on sticking with it. Whatever they do, they do to "help" or "contribute."
They are concerned primarily with whether or not those around them are available to tend to their needs or if others' problems will inconvenience them in some way. They speak often of their issues in dramatized ways to drown out others' real difficulties and the fact they have not shown up for them. This is not power nor is it loyalty.
Loyalty is the powered experience of one who can sync up a nervous system with another. Whatever one experiences, the other experiences. There are no favors, there is no withholding, there is not enough that we could do. If someone we love is experiencing difficulty, their difficulty is our own. We summon resources we did not know we had to elevate, offer power, bail out, tend to, make right. There are no artificial masculine boundaries. Love leads and we follow. We do what love would have us do, which is beyond what would ever be comfortable, but we do this because we can never find comfort when our heart inside the body of the other is hurting.
Loyalty is making this admission: we can never find peace if the one we love does not have peace. We can find the greatest joy when the person we love is thriving and there is nothing we can do or would want to separate ourselves from their experience. Loyalty is a grown-up version of codependency. It is unity, a unity that woman knows from her capacity to carry life inside herself. This is how she can love. Allowing those who cannot love like this to define what is appropriate with their concepts of protection is folly to Eros.
At the same time, Eros responds to a call. This is key. Rejection of Eros is kryptonite to Eros. It can enter anyone and anywhere and provide tremendous power—unless Erotic power has been rejected or blocked. Eros must then stop dead in its tracks. The woman who is erotically powered recognizes this and is loyal to the deepest call she can respond to. When welcomed, it can knock down doors and can break down barriers.
However, when it is not viscerally and overtly welcomed, it is a form of violation to bring Eros to those people not openly engaging with the laws of Eros. It is not loyalty, but a bribe. It is offering them what they have not worked for and as a result will harm them. Eros has boundaries not based on ideas, but based on the awareness that Erotic power is an adult power and can only be placed in the hands of someone who is an Erotic adult.
Erotic loyalty requires us to tend to the well-being of anyone with whom we have engaged in Erotic form, regardless of how damaging or difficult that person has been. This is done not as an offering to the person but as an offering to Eros itself. Eros agrees to take care of the people who have been part of Eros. The erotically powered woman is able to place something ahead of her own resentments or heartaches and simply tend to life, both the parts with thorns and the parts with blooms. It will be the deeply nourishing, loyal relationships she develops that give her the power to do this.
Finally, at the bottom of loyalty is a thank-you we offer to those to whom we are loyal. "Thank you for letting me love you to the depth that my heart desires to love, so I may discover who I am and the love I am capable of in the process."