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OM Container (Short Version)

Published August, 2024

The concept of "the container" in Orgasmic Meditation (OM) represents the foundational elements that are unalterable and essential for maintaining the practice's integrity and safety. These elements are non-negotiable and ensure that every session adheres to a structured framework, which is crucial for the experience’s predictability and trust. The container includes several key components: there is no reciprocation between participants; each session lasts exactly 15 minutes; safeporting occurs at two specific points; the stroker remains fully clothed while the strokee undresses only from the waist down; and the environment, referred to as the "nest," is kept free from extras like music, specific breathing techniques, or substances that could alter awareness.

Key Components of the OM Container

  1. Duration and Reciprocation: Each OM session is strictly timed to 15 minutes, emphasizing that the practice is not about prolonged engagement or mutual exchange but focused on the experience within a set timeframe.

  2. Clothing and Physical Setup: The stroker's full clothing and the strokee's partial undressing create a physical boundary, reinforcing the practice's non-sexual nature and focusing on the clitoral stroking.

  3. Environment (The Nest): The absence of external stimuli such as music or scents ensures that the focus remains on the tactile sensations and intrinsic experience, without external influences.

This structured approach not only defines the physical boundaries but also sets the psychological space necessary for participants to engage deeply without expectations of reciprocation or progression to other sexual acts. The container is pivotal in distinguishing OM from other forms of physical interaction, emphasizing its role as a meditative practice rather than a sexual encounter. Participants are guided by these rules, which fosters a unique environment where they can explore the sensations and responses of their bodies within a safe and controlled setting.

Preparing the Nest

To ensure a conducive environment for Orgasmic Meditation (OM), the preparation of the nest is both a ritual and a practical necessity. The nest, meticulously arranged, is where the OM practice unfolds, embodying a space of comfort and focus.

Essential Items for the Nest Setup

  1. Foundation and Comfort: Place a yoga mat on the floor to provide cushioning, especially if the surface is hard. Over this, lay a soft blanket to create a welcoming space.

  2. Pillows: Arrange at least three pillows within the nest for support and comfort. A firm pillow is essential for the stroker to sit on, ensuring stability and proper positioning during the practice.

  3. Hygiene and Safety: Include a fresh washcloth, gloves, and lube. The gloves are crucial for maintaining hygiene and should be worn throughout the practice. It's important to use a gloved finger when applying lube to avoid contamination.

Sequence of Entering and Exiting the Nest

  • Positioning: The stroker, after removing footwear and belt to maintain comfort without reducing the formality of the attire, steps over the strokee with their left foot, sitting down on the right-hand side of the strokee.

  • Post-OM Care: Once the session concludes, the strokee redresses, and all items used, including the washcloth and gloves, are collected for cleaning. This ensures the nest remains a pristine environment for future sessions.

Handling of Materials

  • Lube Application: To prevent contamination, never use bare fingers to retrieve lube from its container. Always use a gloved finger, and avoid "double dipping" – once a gloved finger has contacted the strokee’s body, it should not be reinserted into the lube container for more lube.

By adhering to these guidelines, the nest is transformed into a sacred space, optimized for the purity and integrity of the OM practice, allowing participants to fully immerse in the experience with trust and comfort.

Before the OM Begins

In the moments leading up to the commencement of an Orgasmic Meditation (OM) session, the importance of adhering to the established safety protocols cannot be overstressed. Among these, the use of gloves stands as a pivotal requirement, ensuring a hygienic and safe environment for both participants. This practice is not merely a preference but a fundamental aspect of the OM technique, designed to maintain the integrity and purity of the interaction.

Importance of Gloves in OM

  1. Safety Barrier: Gloves act as a crucial physical barrier, preventing direct skin contact and thereby reducing the risk of any potential transmission of pathogens.

  2. Non-negotiable Practice: Within the framework of OM, the use of gloves is a non-negotiable element. Participants are expected to respect this rule without exception, as it is integral to the standardized practice and safety of the session.

  3. Consistency and Trust: By adhering to this rule, a consistent practice environment is maintained, enhancing the trust between participants and reinforcing the professionalism of the setting.

The insistence on glove use before the OM begins is a clear example of the practice’s commitment to combining comfort with rigorous safety standards. This requirement is communicated clearly to all participants and is expected to be followed diligently to foster a secure and focused environment for the OM practice.

The Form of Asking in OM

In Orgasmic Meditation (OM), the form of asking is a critical component that facilitates clear and respectful communication between participants. This form is designed to maintain the integrity and focused nature of the practice, ensuring that all interactions are straightforward and free from any ambiguity or additional expectations.

Simple and Direct Requests

  1. Proper Asking: The appropriate way to initiate an OM session is through simple, direct questions like 'Would you like to have an OM?' or 'Would you like to OM?' This method ensures that the invitation is clear and focused solely on the practice itself.

  2. Avoiding Mixed Messages: It is crucial to avoid mixing OM invitations with other offers or social activities. Such combinations can cloud the intent of the request, potentially leading to misunderstandings about the nature and expectations of the OM session.

Maintaining Clarity and Integrity

  • Desire-based Initiation: OM is fundamentally desire-based, requiring one partner to express a clear desire to engage in the practice. The recipient of such a request has the complete freedom to accept or decline without needing to provide an explanation, thereby respecting personal boundaries and consent.

  • Behavior and Conduct: The form also extends to how practitioners conduct themselves within the practice. This includes maintaining a professional demeanor, adhering to the specified techniques, and engaging in the practice with the right intention. Falling out of form, while not as severe as breaking the container, still significantly impacts the integrity of the practice.

Effective Communication in the Nest

  • Making Offers and Requests: Within the Nest, communication should consist of specific and actionable requests and clear, simple yes/no offers. This structure helps practitioners focus on finding the highest point of sensation and connection during the OM, without distractions or deviations from the practice’s core objectives.

  • Standard Etiquette: During an OM session, conversation is limited to necessary communication such as adjustments and acknowledgments. Standard etiquette includes avoiding any form of 'sexy talk' or physical guidance (e.g., using hands to direct movements), which could detract from the practice's meditative and exploratory nature.

By adhering to these guidelines, practitioners of OM ensure that each session is conducted with respect, clarity, and a focus on the shared experience of meditation, rather than personal agendas or external outcomes.

Entering the Nest

Initial Preparation and Entry

  1. Preparing the Physical Space: The Nest is meticulously set up with essential items including a fresh washcloth, at least three pillows for comfort, a blanket, gloves, lube, and a timer. A firm pillow is strategically placed for the stroker to sit on, ensuring both comfort and proper positioning during the practice.

  2. Entering the Nest: The stroker, maintaining their attire except for footwear, steps over and across the strokee with their left foot. This specific entry method not only respects the physical space but also signifies the transition into a sacred practice area.

Safeporting and Initial Contact

  • First Safeport: Upon sitting next to the strokee, the stroker delivers the first of two safeports, signaling the beginning of grounding pressure. This communication is crucial as it prepares the strokee for the contact and ensures mutual readiness.

  • Towel and Lube Stroke: Following the first safeport, the stroker performs the towel stroke to maintain a sanitary environment before proceeding to apply lube using a gloved hand. This sequence—towel stroke followed by lube application—is carefully designed to prevent any contamination.

Adjustments and Flexibility

  • Handling Anatomical Variabilities: The Nest accommodates various physical sizes and flexibility levels, offering two forms of lube strokes (Form A and Form B) to adapt to different anatomical setups. This flexibility ensures that every participant can experience the practice comfortably and effectively.

  • Second Safeport: Before initiating genital contact, the stroker gives a second safeport. This step is pivotal, as it reinforces the safety and consensual nature of the practice, allowing for any necessary adjustments to be communicated clearly.

These structured steps within the Nest are designed to uphold the integrity and the meditative focus of the Orgasmic Meditation practice, ensuring a seamless transition into a state of mindfulness and connection.

The OM Practice

Essential Steps in the OM Practice

  1. Positioning and Preparation: The stroker, fully clothed, sits to the right of the strokee, who is positioned comfortably within the nest. The stroker uses their left index finger for clitoral stroking, focusing primarily on the 1 o'clock spot, known for its high nerve concentration.

  2. Application of Techniques: Utilizing either Form A or Form B lube strokes, the stroker gently parts the labia and strokes up through them onto the clitoris. This technique ensures efficient use of lubrication while maintaining respectful and minimal contact.

  3. Observation and Adjustment: Throughout the OM, the stroker maintains their gaze on the genitals, except during safeporting and when describing frames. Offers and requests are exchanged to fine-tune the position to maximize sensation without shifting the focus from the practice’s meditative nature.

Communication and Sensory Engagement

  • Safeporting and Frames: Communication during the OM is limited to necessary exchanges, such as safeporting, which occurs twice for ensuring consent and comfort, and framing, where sensations are described in specific, non-abstract terms.

  • Focus and Connection: The stroker is encouraged to direct all available attention into their finger, enhancing the tactile connection. This focus helps both participants remain present and deeply engaged in the experience, fostering a profound sense of connection.

Adhering to OM Protocols

  • Strict Adherence to Form: The practice strictly prohibits any sexual overtures or seductive behavior, emphasizing the non-reciprocal nature of the experience. The stroker and strokee roles are clearly defined, with the stroker providing the stimulation and the strokee receiving, ensuring that the actions remain within the boundaries of the established container.

  • Physical and Emotional Safety: Gloves are worn at all times to maintain hygiene and physical safety, reinforcing the professional and respectful atmosphere necessary for the practice. Participants are encouraged to relax their bodies fully, avoiding any unnecessary movement that could detract from the meditative focus of the OM.

Navigating Adjustments and Communication

In the realm of Orgasmic Meditation (OM), communication is pivotal, particularly when it comes to making adjustments during the practice. The protocol strictly adheres to verbal interactions, ensuring that all adjustments are expressed through speech rather than physical cues. This method preserves the integrity of the practice and upholds the non-physical direction from the strokee, emphasizing a respectful and clear exchange between participants.

Verbal Adjustments and Requests

  1. Verbal Guidance Only: Adjustments during an OM session are communicated verbally. This ensures that the strokee does not physically guide the stroker, maintaining the formality and boundaries of the practice.

  2. Specific Requests: Strokees may verbally request modifications, such as omitting the use of the thumb due to pain or sensitivity in the introitus, ensuring their comfort and personalizing the practice to their physical needs.

Communication Etiquette in OM

  • Limited Conversation: Standard etiquette in OM limits conversation to necessary offers and requests. This focused dialogue helps maintain the meditative and professional nature of the practice.

  • Prohibited Topics: Engaging in 'sexy talk' or any conversation that deviates from the direct needs of the practice is strictly prohibited, reinforcing the non-sexual, meditative intent of OM.

Enhancing Connection Through Communication

  • Purpose of Offers and Requests: The OM practice is fundamentally a practice of communication where offers and requests are not merely procedural but are designed to enhance the resonant connection between the participants. This structured communication fosters a deeper, more attuned interaction, central to the philosophy of OM.

By adhering to these communication protocols, practitioners of Orgasmic Meditation ensure that each session not only respects the boundaries but also deepens the connection and understanding between the participants, enhancing the overall effectiveness and experience of the practice.

Concluding the OM Session

Throughout the exploration of Orgasmic Meditation (OM), we've delved into the intricate balance between structure and sensation that defines this unique practice. The foundational elements, or the "container," provide a safe and predictable framework allowing participants to deeply engage with the experience without the expectations found in other forms of physical interaction. This structured approach, emphasizing non-reciprocity, specific clothing arrangement, and the meticulously prepared environment of the nest, underscores OM's distinction as a meditative practice rather than a sexual encounter, guiding participants towards a profound exploration of sensation and connection within a bounded setting.

The significance of communication and adjustments within the practice further illuminates the essence of OM – a conduit for enhancing connection through focused, respectful interaction. Whether it's through the careful preparation of the nest, the adherence to safety protocols like glove usage, or the precise form of asking and verbal exchanges during the practice, each aspect is designed to foster a deep, meditative connection between participants. By adhering to these meticulously outlined components and engaging with the practice's core principles, individuals can navigate the depths of experience and sensation OM offers, cementing its value not just as a practice but as a pathway to deeper understanding and awareness of the self and the other.

The Impact and Benefits of Regular Practice

Regular engagement in Orgasmic Meditation (OM) significantly enhances the depth and quality of practitioners' emotional and sensory experiences. As participants consistently practice OM, they develop a stronger "container" — a term in OM that refers to the structured environment and set rules that facilitate a safe and focused practice. This fortified container allows individuals to experience a broader spectrum of emotions and sensations, which is crucial for deepening intimacy and connection. Notably, regular practice fosters an increased awareness of one's body and sensations, leading to a profound understanding of oneself and one's partner, thereby enhancing the relational dynamic.

Enhanced Personal and Interpersonal Development

  1. Mindfulness and Emotional Well-being: Practitioners of OM often report significant improvements in focus, presence, and mindfulness. These qualities transcend the practice and positively affect various aspects of life, contributing to better emotional regulation, resilience, and overall mental health. Reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, alongside increased happiness and life satisfaction, are common benefits reported by regular participants.

  2. Body Positivity and Sexual Health: Regular OM practice cultivates a healthier relationship with one's body and sexuality. Participants become more comfortable and confident in their physical selves, which is reflected in increased self-esteem and self-acceptance. This comfort also extends to a greater appreciation and acceptance of natural bodily cycles and changes, promoting a holistic sense of health.

  3. Community and Connection: The practice of OM is not just an individual journey but also a communal experience. Regular practitioners gain a sense of belonging and support within the OM community, enhancing their social well-being. This community aspect fosters a supportive environment where members encourage and uplift each other, strengthening the collective experience.

Impact on Various Types of Relationships

  • Broadening Relationship Benefits: The skills and emotional intelligence gained through regular OM practice benefit all types of relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or professional. Improved communication skills, heightened empathy, and a better understanding of emotional cues lead to more harmonious and meaningful interactions across all areas of a practitioner's life.

By integrating these practices into regular routines, individuals not only enhance their personal growth and emotional health but also contribute positively to their relationships and communities, embodying the profound impacts of Orgasmic Meditation.

The Significance of Non-Reciprocation and Commerce-Free Practice

Understanding Non-Reciprocation in OM Practice

Orgasmic Meditation (OM) is fundamentally a practice of non-reciprocation, where each participant engages solely for their personal experience and growth, rather than for mutual exchange or benefit. This principle is crucial as it helps maintain the purity and focused intent of the practice, ensuring that participants are not motivated by expectations of reciprocation or other forms of compensation. This approach not only enhances the individual's capacity for mindfulness and presence but also reinforces the practice's meditative and therapeutic qualities.

Commerce-Free Structure of OM

The structure of OM explicitly excludes any form of commerce. The sessions are strictly timed to 15 minutes, emphasizing the practice's purpose as a meditative and connection-enhancing tool rather than a commercial service. This parameter ensures that the practice remains accessible and maintains its integrity as a pure form of meditation focused on personal and interpersonal development.

Importance of Adhering to Community Norms

When engaging in OM, it is recommended that practitioners verify that potential partners have a comprehensive understanding of the practice's guidelines and norms. This verification process is crucial for maintaining the safety and integrity of the practice environment. Demonstrations of OM, often performed by practitioners with varying levels of experience, are not substitutes for actual OM sessions but serve as educational tools to illustrate the technique and its underlying philosophy. By adhering to these community standards and emphasizing education, the OM community fosters a respectful and informed atmosphere conducive to personal exploration and growth.

Addressing Common Challenges

Common Challenges and Solutions in Orgasmic Meditation

  1. Modifying the Practice: It is common for practitioners to explore modifications to the Orgasmic Meditation (OM) practice, such as incorporating discussions or techniques related to male genital stroking. However, it is crucial to maintain the integrity of the practice by focusing on the prescribed methods and avoiding the integration of unrelated practices. The Nest advises practitioners to separate the OM practice from other sexual or health practices to preserve its unique environment and purpose.

  2. Adherence to Training and Norms: The OM practice requires a foundational understanding obtained through basic training. Before attempting the practice, individuals should engage with established training materials or courses offered by recognized entities like OneTaste®. Additionally, understanding and integrating into the community norms is essential, as each community may have slight variations in practice based on collective experiences and preferences.

  3. Menstrual Considerations and Personal Care: Practitioners should consider personal health and comfort, such as the menstrual cycle, which may affect an individual's experience with OM. Adjustments for personal care are recommended to ensure that every session remains focused, comfortable, and respectful of the physical states of participants.

Enhancing Practice Through Community Engagement

  • Learning from the Community: Engaging with the OM community is not only about practicing but also about learning from the collective wisdom. New practitioners are encouraged to spend time understanding the ethos and practices of the community, which can provide valuable insights and enhance the personal practice of OM.

  • Distinction from Other Practices: It is important to recognize that OM is a unique practice focused on clitoral stroking and should not be conflated with other forms of meditation or sexual practices. This clarity helps maintain the focus and purity of the practice, ensuring that it remains a distinct modality for connection and mindfulness.

Navigating Demonstrations and Grassroots Movements

  • Understanding Demonstrations: Demonstrations of OM, often seen at various venues, are performed by practitioners with differing levels of experience and should be viewed as artistic interpretations rather than standard practices. These demonstrations are intended to showcase the intersection of life and Orgasm through OM but are not substitutes for actual training or practice.

  • Grassroots Community Dynamics: The global spread of OM has resulted in the formation of numerous grassroots communities. While OneTaste® publishes training materials and holds the trademark for Orgasmic Meditation, it does not govern these communities. Practitioners are encouraged to connect with local groups to enhance their understanding and practice of OM, keeping in mind that these communities operate independently of the central trademark holder.

Training and Education for OM Practitioners

For those aspiring to deepen their practice in Orgasmic Meditation (OM), a structured approach to training and education is essential. The Institute of OM Inc. recommends foundational training, which is accessible through various resources, ensuring that practitioners are well-prepared to engage with the practice effectively and safely.

Available Training Resources

  1. Online Programs and Private Coaching: Standard training is available through the official website, which offers comprehensive online programs. Alternatively, personal guidance can be sought from an OM Life® Certified Coach, providing tailored coaching to meet individual needs.

  2. Supplementary Documents: The Institute of OM Inc. provides essential documents such as the OM Training, Practice, and Practice Forms. These are designed to supplement basic training, offering detailed insights into the practice, including sections on anatomy, the specific 1 o'clock spot on the clitoral glans, and the crucial use of safeports.

Guidelines and Norms

  • Understanding OM Norms: Before diving into practice, it's crucial to familiarize oneself with the norms of the OM community. This understanding helps in respecting the practice's integrity and enhances the communal experience.

  • Nest Etiquette: Adherence to nest etiquette is emphasized through the training materials, which instruct on maintaining the container and form during practice, ensuring the environment remains respectful and focused.

Customization and Compliance

  • OM Practice Forms: For those looking to focus on specific aspects of their practice, customized OM experience forms are available. These forms allow variations in the practice approach while strictly adhering to the non-modifiable elements of the container such as the 15-minute duration and the practice's non-commercial nature.

  • Safety and Hygiene Protocols: Training emphasizes the non-negotiable use of gloves and proper handling of lube to prevent contamination, ensuring both practitioner and partner safety during the practice.

This structured educational pathway supports practitioners in exploring the depths of OM, enhancing both personal and communal experiences while upholding the practice's standards and safety protocols.

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