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eros: The essential energy force that arises from our desire for connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It encompasses all of life, evokes beauty, and contributes to an understanding of essential truth. It seeks to unify masculine and feminine energies and manifests as creativity and genius.
The Eros Platform fosters conversations that explore how to meet the urgent needs of our time with creativity, humanity, and effectiveness. Eros bridges what is otherwise separate, serving as an essential catalyst for reimagining the world through a feminine lens. Together, we pave a path toward human flourishing, awakening the unique genius within each individual, institution, and cultural group to steward the world with compassion, connection, and play.

All Women Are Always In Their Power

By Guest Published: December, 2024

Expressing Power

All women are always in their power. This is a given. It is impossible for her to not be, as she is made of it. The questions are: is she expressing her power overtly or covertly? Does she allow it to be conscious and thus have aim? Or, is she expressing it unconsciously and operating by default settings, plugged into female conditioning of owning a partner, but making it look effortless?

To be clear, even when she, or those around her, won't look at it directly, she is no less powerful. Her power is going to operate, either skillfully or unskillfully, in conjunction with others or in spite of them, in an attempt to evolve them or to hold them down. It is going to happen one way or another. It is going to range from an unbelievably positive experience to something horrific, depending solely on the level both parties involved are willing to acknowledge the law of nature: she holds the power.

Magnetic Attraction

The truth every woman knows is that men are responders to power, and women hold the power. Anytime any man has ever paid attention to a woman, it has been due to a signal she sent out; it may have been an unconscious machine gun signal, a laser, an under-the-radar signal, or a signal that came entirely through conditioning—the lowest common denominator of the default signal, a biological signal that communicates a need. Women are the magnet and men are the needle that is turned by the magnet. Eros is what spins that needle.

Owning Desire

It is therefore vital to know a woman's desire—the truth of that desire—despite what anyone thinks of that desire. To not diminish it and to not allow her to pretend it is more appropriate or evolved than it is. A woman often wants very base things, and to the extent she admits it, it happens—or does not—with a beautiful natural flow. If she drives what she wants underground, when she draws it in it becomes something that happens to her. A woman who owns the whole of her desire, the full spectrum of it, who can meet it and have it met exactly as it is with approval—is a powerful force. This requires a whole set of responses that threaten not just men, but the masculine mind.

First of all, a man does not get to determine a good or bad desire; he only gets to acknowledge and approve. He does not get to consider the amount of effort it will take to meet that desire. He does not get to negotiate with that desire. In fact, he most likely will have to dig for the desire because, more often than not, it has been driven so far underground that it will be difficult for her to pull it up.

He will have to dig for it even when he senses it's a desire that will feel inconvenient. Then he must step down from the throne of protector and use his power to give her the only real protection there is—get behind her power so she can experience her own resilience and self-possession; even if that means she uses that power to walk away.

Cultivating Power

To the extent he offers his skills to the cultivation of her power, she will—at a minimum—not use that power against him with overt or covert sabotage, and at best, will use it for men and their evolution. A well-powered woman is an unimaginably generous woman. Until then, she just acts like she is powered as she goes about trying to get her desires met in secret and destroying what she perceives to be blocking it, convincing herself it isn't so to the extent that she could pass a lie detector test.

A woman with power can rise up and receive a man until the connection is made and the heart is created. It is only here that all resolves. He gets the power he is genuinely hungry for and has tried to manufacture since time immemorial, and she gets the attention that would grow what exists inside of her into the force that can power the evolution we all seek.

Hidden Power

Until then, it is women doing small survival-based feats of hidden power. Men will never acknowledge that they are being moved around by it or that it is what is moving the world because it is a power they believe is invalid or beneath them. He is worked by it, thinking it is his choice. Women will never acknowledge what another woman is doing because to do so would blow her own cover.

To those who hold authority, this will sound ridiculous. Who would not want power? To women who have denied their power to themselves for a lifetime, a voice will enter that says, "Not me." Women who aim for empowerment—who use empowerment as a smoke screen to cover their innate power—will keep it always at arm's length.

Women's Power

And yet, look at women who have expressed power through the body—women's power. Sexual power, Erotic power, healing power. Look at how these women are viewed and what happens to them.

It is then that we understand the dilemma of women's power.

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