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Orgasmic Meditation: A Practice That Transcends Sex

Published December, 2023
by Victor

When I tell you Orgasmic Meditation (OM) can change your life, you should believe me. Why? Because I’m a workshop junkie, and if there’s a practice that claims to make your world better, I’ve tried it – and a lot of them don’t work. Orgasmic Meditation does.

Career and Burnout

For over a decade, I ran a big internet company. It was exhausting and heady work, and as lucrative and interesting as it was, I burned out. With a little money saved, I moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dream of being a writer and to work on myself. I had spent years returning to my teens, focusing on material and professional success. Now, I wanted to reinvent myself spiritually and emotionally. I spent years living out my own version of that “Eat, Pray, Love” book. I traveled the world, met all the gurus, climbed all the holy mountains, recited all the mantras, read all the books, and signed up for all the classes. I was thirsty for wisdom, and I drank as much of it as I could find.

After a while, I started to notice the same problem. The experiences I had were almost always very intense. Over and over again, I’d meet people and bond with them through the workshops and practices we did together. We’d be so close I was sure we were going to be lifelong friends – but that never happened. No one ever kept in touch. I realized these were mostly like college dorm friendships, the kind you form the first weekend of your freshman year. They flame out almost instantly.

Discovering Orgasmic Meditation (OM)

I came to Orgasmic Meditation (OM) through a friend of mine. One day, we met for sushi in Hollywood, and she was glowing. She told me she had been doing this thing called Orgasmic Meditation and had just had an OM that morning, right before she came to see me. I knew my friend – she looked different, and she put out a different energy. I had my first OM a week later. I expected it to be fumbling, awkward, or just plain weird, but it wasn’t any of those things. It felt very connected. What hit me was that this wasn’t sex, but it was an express train to intimacy. I’ve seen a lot of gimmicks, and this was no gimmick. It worked.

A Practice Beyond Sex

It still took me a while to grasp that this transcended the sexual. What sealed it for me was listening to some of the women I met in Orgasmic Meditation describe some of their favorite strokers. They weren’t picking men based on their sex appeal, looks, or status. It wasn’t just that he had a good technique; it was that he was able to be present with these women in a way that was liberating and powerful for them.

As happened with my ex on our lunch date, other people started noticing the changes in me before I saw them myself. People started smiling at me more, striking up conversations with me almost randomly. I could feel I was more attractive to women, too – sometimes, I’d catch someone giving me a double-take. I hadn’t gotten fitter or changed my hairstyle; something that I was doing in Orgasmic Meditation was exuding from me, and people could see it and feel it. More than anything, that’s what showed me the difference between OM and a lot of other spiritual practices I’d tried in the past: other people could tell something had altered inside of me. It wasn’t just that I felt better; I had begun to glow a little.

From Doubt to Trust

I went through a period of having doubts about Orgasmic Meditation, and I think it’s important to share that. I began to wonder if it was all some sort of a very sophisticated technique designed to give us a facsimile of intimacy. How was it really possible to connect deeply with someone you met five minutes earlier? That just didn’t seem right. I started looking for the catch, the gimmick, the twist – and honestly, I couldn’t find it. While I think you can do this work on a superficial level, if you take it seriously, it will change you. I’m glad those doubts were there because they made me test this practice. I’m glad, too, that those doubts didn’t drive me away.

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Connecting Sexuality And Spirituality
Orgasmic Meditation Allowed Me To Connect My Sexuality And Spirituality, Letting Go Of Control And Finding Freedom.

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